Well, its 12:33 at the friend's household! I'm having an awesome time at my bff's house!
Best Friend! Please visit! She is annoyed that no one has. I'm probably going to talk about her site every day for like a week.
Okay, so I cried yesterday morning. It's because I read some letters from my grandma when she was alive. It made me mega sad. My mom made me cry again about my grandma when she called. I hated it. She always seems to think that I know
everything! Well, I don't! Half the time I don't know about what I feel, or what I think! So why can't she leave me alone!? I don't know. It just pisses me off.
Okay, so I went to my friends house at like 6 last night. First we went onto the computers. I talked to my friends. Replied to pms, and imed people. We first played ddr, which I absoulutely had a blast with XD I HIT THE CEILING FAN!!!! WITHOUT EVEN TRYING!!! It was so funny. Hence the title of my post today. My mood is a ? mark because I'm having mixed feelings. I really don't know what I'm feeling
Then we played guitar hero, and we still are! lol I'm playing on hard! It's so much fun! It started to hurt my wrist, but I don't care! I don't know what song I am going to play next.
How is everybody? I'm okay I suppose. This post is all over the place lol Well, today I don't have school. So I will get to as many sites as I can! But I can't promise anything, cause the laptop I am using closes the window when I close a comment box. Its very frustrating! But, I'll get over it.
I've been reading a fan fic of
Fan Fic Site You don't have to go there. But don't forget to comment before clicking any links!! Cause I only know how to change the page from being my site to becoming another site. I don't know how to do the pop-up site one. I hate those, so I never learned the code, sorry!
Well, I think I shall be off now! I hope you all have a great day! See you later! P.S don't forget, if you don't comment me at least once until Friday, unless you note that you can't, then you are off my friends list! But if you do contact me in any shape, form or matter. You are safe. Have a good day all!