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Talking like Gir.
Anime Fan Since
prolly 1st grade!!
Favorite Anime
Making the varsity volleyball team.
Being too lazy to go to sleep =)
Hello everyone =)

Fave color: Black.
Fave anime: InuYasha.
Fave band: Good Charlotte, 30 Seconds to Mars, Armor for Sleep.
Fave song" The World is Black - GC.
Fave book: Blue is for Nightmares.
Fave animal: WOLF WOLF WOLF =)
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Me && Mat are all over. Done. History. |
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Ohh Dangg.
Ugghh. Why are things always so freaking confusing? It kind of sucks. On November 14th, Mat asked me out... and we are still going out but uhhh... I don't know how much longer we are going to last =( but whateverr. There's a good reason. He annoys me to death. He told me he would never break up with me because he would never get another girlfriend && he always says shit about my friends && he takes everything so personally... I can hardly joke around! && that's not good for me... seriously. Soo yupp. &&... I am doing pretty good in school. YAY! My volleyball team won a grand total of 2 out of 16 games... I was surprised. I thought we would only win one. &&... I can't wait until Christmas break. YAY. I am working on an art project when I am out of school. =) Mhmm. I am gunna post up new pictures this weekend. i HOPE EVERYONE LiKES THEM <333
Darkheart |
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Saturday, September 2, 2006
Hullooo =)
Heyy everyone! I'm at my Mom's bf's house and this computer is MUCH better. I had a pretty good week if I do say so myself. =) Teehee. I had a volleyball game yesturday. JV lost. So did Varsity ((my team)). Our first game was 24-26, which is REALLY GOOD. Then the rest weren't too good but I had 7 aces in one game. And a sick nasty kill in another. =) And a wicked good rally and everything. I love hitting lol. I am actually out on the court a lot this year, too. That's amazing! =) And and and... I dunno.
Oh wait, yes I do. Last night, I went to the State Fair with Doofus. We had so much fun! We went into the buildings and took as much FREE stuff as we could. We rr both straight, but we loaded up on Gay Pride pins. They rr so pretty and colorful ^^ and we donoted a dollar each to the Pro-Life found. And got stickers and stuff from there. It was our good deed.
ps: Baked potatoes from the State Fair rr extremely YUMMY to the maxx. Haha.
That's all we really did. Then she came here with me and has to wear my clothes because it was a last minute descision ((sp?)). But it is all good. OMG. School starts on... WEDNESDAY for meee. Ohh boyy. And we have a game. Thank gosh it is only a half day on Wednesday. =) SWEET!
EdwardElricThe2nd made me a really kool button. It's at the top. I heart it! Check it out.
Well this is kinda long right now and I don't want anyone getting bored with my boring posts, so I am gunna comment as many people as I can right now!
Talk to you all later !
1- If you could be a character in any anime, which one would you be in?
2- What kind of character would you be?
3- What would you be? ((Ex: Demon, Human, Witch, Superhero... etc.))
1- InuYasha.
2- Not the main character.
3- Wolf demon =) |
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
I won't be back until this weekend. My laptop keeps freezing when I try to comment people. Sorry =/ talk to everyone on... well... this weekend =)
<3Darkheart*, |
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Monday, August 28, 2006
^ Thank you to whoever took my quiz. =)
Okay... It is too early and I have volleyball practice. I am deff sleeping in the car because I am at my Mom's bf's house and it is 45mins away! So I have to leave here soon.
And we might get our uniforms today. I want NUMBER FiVE! =) Hehe!
If anyone has ever seen Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban then you know about those Monster Books. My stomach is making the noises they do! LOL!
HaPpY eArLy BiRtHdAy To KiLwOoN!!
And whoever else's birthday is tomorrow.
I've been having short-term memory loss this last week or so. It's quite annoying.
I've also been having the urge to say "I reckon" and everyone keeps laughing at me! Ahh! Oh well. It's fun!
I'm gunna comment everyone after 2PM-ish because I'm gunna spend time with my mom before she goes to pick up my bro in CT.
Have a wonderful day!
<3Darkheart*, |
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