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Monday, August 1, 2005
If Only It Were True... part 6
((im srry i havent writen this in a while...))
~~it was horrible. two cars were smashed on the side of the road. the black car was smashed in on one side. ambulances were sounding in the back.
~~one of them pulled up and some people ran out. nikki and nicole watched in horror as they checked the cars then finally covered one with a white cloth. nicole leaned over to nikki. "that blue car looks so familiar. but i dont kno form where..." she added.
~~" looks like..." nikki paused for a second, "...OMG!"
~~"wut is it?" pierre asked nikki. he walked over to the two girls. paul and benji followed him.
~~"thats" tears welled up in nikkis eyes. "my frends car...her name is..."
~~nikki went quiet and watched as she saw herself running towards the black cvar screaming and crying. the doctors wouldnt let her go near the car and soon police were pulling her back.
~~bright sunlight shone into the bus. nikki sat bolt upright. she was in a cold sweat. "omg..." nikki whispered.
~~billy leaned over to her. "is something wrong?" he asked.
~~"yea are you?" nicole asked.
~~nikki shook her head. "jus a was like i relived wut happened to kayla..."
~~"omg kayla? o dont think about that..." nicole sed. she put her arm around nikki. "how did u think about that again?"
~~"im not shure," nikki answered.
~~"kayla?" benji asked.
~~nikki leaned against the back of the couch. "yea....mine and nicoles frend. she was driving here. a bunch of, nicole, kayla, rebecca, and erica were driving to nicholes house. um...a different nichole. and on the way...some...idk...drunk people prolly...drove in front of us. and rebeccas car smashed into kaylas. it was horrible....." nikki finished in a whisper.
~~tears were now coming to nicoles eyes. "yea i nvr wanna live that again," she said in a cracked voice.
~~david walked over to nicole and put his arm around her. he lighty kissed her on the cheek. "dont cry...i hate seeing u cry," he whispered.
~~nicole gave him a small smile and leaned on his shoulder. nikki, despite her dream and reliving evrything, she smiled too. thas so cute, she thought.
~~joels cell rang. he picked it up. after a minute...he started to frown...then he hung up. "bad news evryone..." he started
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omg someone hacked onto jacks sn and started swearing at me for some reason. honestly ik that wasnt jack...he wont evn call me stupid. im crying right now. and ricas having a bad night too...ugh! sometimes i hate my life. o and i wont be posting till thursday maybe friday bcuz im goin to niagara falls...
~*~darkheart~*~ |
Comments (8) |
Sunday, July 31, 2005
hola! im here with moe, the awesomest person evr. idk where rica is tho. but she called us lezbians! that was so rude. so we sed we'd nvr be nice to her again or give her hugs. ((honestly theres nuthin rong with hugs wen someone is sad.))
rica needs more self confidence so i sed that to moe and moe agreed. so rica got mad. and im like moe, give her a hug. so moe tried and then she chased her outside. and rica called us lezbians. lol. then we got bak inside and im like u need to buy some self confidence at the dollar store! lol it was so funny.
but were goin to a party soon at the camp. hopefully me n moe dont fall into the river again!
post later
~*~darkheart~*~ |
Comments (7) |
Saturday, July 30, 2005
omg did u read that convo below? its hilarious!! he keeps asking her out. shes only in 6th grade.
well ne way...
heres some faces::
^_^ =^-^= ~_~ ~_^ ^_~ *_* +_+ o_o O_O @_@ ()_() T_T X_X O_o oO_Oo Q_Q P_P :_: 0_0 `_` \_/ >_< >_> <_< <_> U_U -_-" ;_; .*_*.
yea ik im really random.
^ ^
0 0
^^vampire kittie |
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omg hilarious!! ((christinas convo with timmy...the stalker))
C= christina
timmy: will u go out with me if u were older
timmy: jw
C: ummm idk
timmy: uk y i asked right
C: cause you want to go out wiht me?
timmy: i was just woundering
C: o yes i would def go out with you
timmy: y would u
timmy: iwan't to know
C: becasuse your sexy
timmy: ik nicole dosen't think that but she would of before
timmy: ik
C: i was rlly joking about being in 6th grade
timmy: don't say it
timmy: oh were u really
C: yes
C: im in 10th grade
timmy: kool yeah right
C: im not kidding
timmy: sure
C: why would i kid
timmy: bc u won't me so bad lied
timmy: idk
C: nuh uh! i want you but i am rlly in 10th grade
timmy: do u really
timmy: thats nice to hear that ya know
C: :-*
timmy: funny
timmy: i'm still pisst at my friends
C: awwe dont be hunny
timmy: y do u say that
C: you shouldnt be mad
timmy: i am but stil how do u know nicole i mean like do u know how i feel what did nicole tell u about what i do or feel
C: ummm....feelel about what
timmy: ppl
timmy: thier mean to me u should be too
C: y
timmy: bc
timmy: every buddy dose so y not u
timmy: hold on
C: ok
timmy: i thought nicole was getting on
timmy: duh thats so gay
timmy: brb have to take a piss u mined
C: no
timmy: y do u wan't to come too
timmy: jk
C: yes
timmy: i have too go piss ok i can't wait or i''ll spred a leek ok u can come idc
C: lol ummm sorry i wont make it over htere in time
C: but ok your frree to go
timm: i'll wait
C: lol
timmy: thanx brb
timmy: haha
C: k
timmy: uhh that felt gooooooooddd
timmy: ok back'
timmy: s
C: ok
C: that was quick
timmy: so....
timmy: ik faster the better
timmy: hold on
C: lol o yes
C: k
timmy: haha
timmy: back
C: ok
timmy: do u wan't me
timmy: tooo
timmy: sure
timmy: proveit
C: why wouldnt i want someon as sexy as you
C: how do i do that
timmy: pic ture of ur self right no not later now
C: no i dont have one
timmy: y
C: cause im ann ugly person....welll to me i am
timmy: no u not i belive ur not don
timmy: 't say that ok
timmy: thats mean
C: well i dont have any good pics of me
timmy: so just send it please if u wan't me then send me one
C: i dont think this is gonna work out
timmy: idc send me one please
C: no!
C: im not in 10th grade HAHA
timmy: duh that sucks this sucks
timmy: u suck balls right
timmy: jw
C: exuse me
timmy: u suck that sucks this sucks he suck someone has to suck
C: ok then well im gonna go stalker
timmy3: nvm
timmy: idc if u do or not thats not my point
timmy: y do u have to go stalker
timmy: u don't wan't me
timmy: thats not true that u do so bye
C: what is if it is
timmy: what
C: nvm
timmy: it's not
C: nvm
timmy: u don't think i'm sexy thats just wierd
timmy: ok i'll stop
she really duznt like him at all. she dont evn kno him! lol. ill put my convo with him up laterr
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hey hey hey. wow i havent updated in a couple dyas. srry about that. ive been so busy. omg tonight was hilarious. i told the stalker (tim) that jack broke up wimme. and omg it was funny. b4 that christina pretended to be "carlie" and he asked her out. after he broke up with his gf. omg its so funny.
well ill post later maybe
ps: im here with rica n moe and they rock out loud |
Comments (7) |
hey hey hey. wow i havent updated in a couple dyas. srry about that. ive been so busy. omg tonight was hilarious. i told the stalker (tim) that jack broke up wimme. and omg it was funny. b4 that christina pretended to be "carlie" and he asked her out. after he broke up with his gf. omg its so funny.
well ill post later maybe
ps: im here with rica n moe and they rock out loud |
Comments (0) |
hey hey hey. wow i havent updated in a couple dyas. srry about that. ive been so busy. omg tonight was hilarious. i told the stalker (tim) that jack broke up wimme. and omg it was funny. b4 that christina pretended to be "carlie" and he asked her out. after he broke up with his gf. omg its so funny.
well ill post later maybe
ps: im here with rica n moe and they rock out loud |
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Um...No Title
um...nuthing really important to talk about. the stalker has a gf now. thank god. and i have 2 more days of softball camp left. i got burnt on monday. ouchies. but im doing good. i have 3 nicknames for it. Yankee ((cuz opf my MY hat)), Shortie ((cuz i play short stop)), and derek jeeter ((cuz im awesome lol)). well ive got to go now! not fair. moe hasta call her bf. how cuuute!
post later maybe!
~*~darkheart~*~ |
Comments (4) |
Sunday, July 24, 2005
GC is awesome! i LUV them to death!
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
whoa! height diff!
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
billy! ((hes still hott))
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
wow...nice billy
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
omg dont say yes! my frend luvs u!
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
o i wuv that
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
uh...i 4got wut pic this is...darn it!
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
TAKE THAT! they r gunna get u!
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
benji, let billy go first! u can go 2nd. woohoo!
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
whoa...u guys jump high!
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
no duh!
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
dodgeball...wut a fun game!
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
wutd u find?!!?
Good Charlotte Pictures That'll Make You Go, 'Haha!' brought to you by Quizilla
yea that billys hotter!
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