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Sunday, July 24, 2005
here are some quizzes i took from Quizilla while watching family and the resta adult swim.
 You are the Spirit of Sadness. Deep pain and sorrow lie within you, betrayal, jealousy and rejection rule your life. You cannot make friends as you are too scared at the prospect of being hurt again and you can't take that risk. You wish more than anything to have a steady person there who loves you unconditionally but you are too scared to find them.
Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Captian Holly Short from Artemis Fowl!!! You were kidnapped by the 12 year old criminal, and now are free. You are humourous, enforcing, and an excellent pilot. A spunky fairy you are!
What kind of Fairy are you? 6 Famous Fairies Possibilities! brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Hidden Power Is Water
You have a rather calm soul, but when tempted will get pissed off at those who bug you. You do whatever you can in your powers to help those of your allies and have a okay taste for human kind, but you find them rather annoying on occasions.
Gem Stone: Saphire, Eye Color:Ice Blue,Hair Color:Dark Blue that's long that goes to your waist.
Quote:If you wait for me
Then I'll come for you. Although I've travelled far, I always hold a place for you
In my heart. If you think of me, If you miss me once in a while, Then I'll return to you. I'll return and fill that space in your heart
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::. brought to you by Quizilla
some more later or wenever i feel like it. buhbyez...
~*~darkheart~*~ |
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im not rele bored it jus looks pretty like that. lol.
well my team won the allstar game! woohoo! the shirts were pink. im startin to like pink more but...ah wut the heck. its a pretty pink. ((nvr thought id be the one to say that!))
im tricking rica. its wicked funny. on one of my 13 sns. lol.
well thas it for now.
~*~darkheart~*~ |
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Uh...I Cant Think of A Title!
lets see. theres kinda a lot goin on today i guess. im going to be in an allstar softball game at noon. im so happy i made the team. and then theres a cookout thing after it. FREE FOOD!! thas the best kind. then i hafta go home and clean again bcuz ive gotten outta it the last couple days. but there wont b ne time this week bcuz im going to softball camp from monday to thursday and its gunna rock. they r gunna see how good u r to make the high school team and stuff. and i really wanna go to the movies sometime this week wen i find time!! i wanna go with jack ^_^ . then i wanna go see Dark Water with rica. i luv getting scared!
well thas it for now. i might post something tonight if my computer will work -_-" stupid computer!
1. wuts yer fave color?
2. wuts yer fave animal?
3. do u like to shop?
4. where r u from?
5. wut element would u wanna control???
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
im srry but i hadta post this one!! plzz read my other posts tho!
luv ya all!
o a kiss of my choice?? so gerard!! lol. ((i wanna kiss from jack tho...)) |
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.:.srry for the long post! lotta stuff on my mind right now.:.
(()) o and the story i was werking on...dont wrry...i will b starting that up again by tomorrow! ive been so bizzy! (())
todays gotten a lil better. scott got maddish at me again last night. o well. i guess im used to it by now! lol but hes still my frend! scott if yer reading this...**hugg**!!! luv ya like a frend!
well on the way to toms ((im here right now)) my mom got her belly pierced! woohoo finally! shes been waiting almost 2 monthes!
and amys going to FL! for 2 weeks! im gunna miss her so much! and wen she gets bak form FL im going to CA for a week. so we might not see eech other for 3 weeks! thas a long time!!!!
i had a weerd dream last ngiht too. it is:::
:::i was like sleeping in some tent outside...but the outisde was in my room? and i heard two people outside outside ((lol)) and i went outside and it was jeff and jack. and i somehow got to some strange house ive nvr seen...and wen i went outside of this weerd house...jeff and jack saw me and richie was there too;. and richie kept yelling and swearing at me and junk...then i felt kinda weerd or something and started walking away...but jeff ran after me and stopped me...and told me to sleep over cuz we were in canada? and it was a long way home... so i decided he was right and i stayed over...and richuie was still swearing at me but finally jack told him to stop and he sed he was srry for not goin to catch fireflies with me? so then wen i was goin to sleep in some car ((wich was there house))...jack gave a hugg and sed ily and then jeff like picked dandelions to make a pillow:::
isnt that strange??? i like woke up laffing my head off!
well thas it for now! by tomorrow my new fan art should be up. take a look at that if u wanna!
omg i luv this song so much! its one of my faves!!!
10 months is better than nuthing! especially with gerard! hes hott!
lol i luv u too gerard ((but mines no secret!))
hehe kk im dun posting quizzes in this post. lol outta my randomness...awe darn it...i forgot! BYE |
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i think im gunna block that stalker kidd. he freaks me out. and i need a talk with jack. yea...and i wanna invite jack, kaz, and jeff over to toms. like a party thing. i wanna go see Dark Water then go back to toms. of course, rica ((the most awesomest person ever)) and moe ((the most awesomest person ever's lil sis)) are going! lol. lalala today was sOoOo boring. all i did was listen to my The Used and MCR cds. nuthing better to do...
post laterr~
~*~darkheart~*~ |
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Friday, July 22, 2005
...bad night...
ive had a really bad night. it sucked. i was sposta go to the movies with jack but i guess he went to richies house w/o tellin me or cancelling. now im really mad and junk. this is not fun.
and i think jeff is mad at me for something. its one of those gut feelings that usually end up being right.
but w/e. its not like ne one evn cares about how i feel...
~*~darkheart~*~ |
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Once Again...The Stalker
i swear im so frikkin scared right now. hes like obsessed with me. and he keeps callin rica a bitch. AAAAAH! he keeps talkin to me. im not blocking him tho bcuz i find things out for rica so...yea. lol hes a retard. me n jack decided that he needed some mental help!
well i'll post for ya all later!
~*~darkheart~*~ |
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
i have a stalker omg! and so duz rica. the same person. omg i was like AAAAAH! and i told jack i was scared and he slike beat him down. and im like i dont wanna touch him. lol!!!
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last ngiht i went to a double days baseball game. i dint watch it tho. lol. jack, rica, moe, and erica went. it was fun tho!!! we saw nick and his sis, christina, there. and jeff n tommy.
moe..she talks to jeff online and she like calls him her bff. well at the game she saw him and she pout a spongebob sticker on his back. he freaked out! it was funny. and moe also kept on hugging abner ther mascot. lol. shes a riot!!!
omg im soo happy. after the game wen ig ot bak to toms...jack asked me out! yay! im so happy u cant believe it.
well i'll post later today!!!
luv ya all!
~*~darkheart~*~ |
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