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prolly 1st grade!!
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Monday, July 4, 2005
HeY hEy HeY
hey hey hey ppl! waaaah! idk wut i sed that for but o well. im like jus sitting here doin nuthing at all...nuthing....xept hangin with rica n moe. "Moes awsum!!!" haha!!! she jus sed that. o her MyO site is mo do if u dont kno that alrede. yea that was random. im kinda bored and tired uk? well now u do!
im gunna go buhbye now and look at ppls sites!
~~~~~Darkheart |
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
hey hey hey! im gunna tell u guys about my nyc trip now! hehe!
well the bus ride there was wicked boring. there was nuthing to do really. i gotta funny pic of erica sticking her head in her pillow case. *looks at the picture "my crazy frends! liy!"* and i cried a couple times bcuz i was sad about scott. wow i need to get over him someday soon! its been over a week! anyways...once we got to nyc we went to...omg...i forgot! o yea! the museum of natural history. it was kinda boring. me and erica were in a group with mrsP and jeff and nick were in a group with mrV but we hung out together so it was one big group! hehe! but it was horrible. we got in trouble for every little thing. and after the museum we wetn to central park. that was long, hot, and major boring. going to see balto was koolness tho. i luv balto sooo much! he is my home dogg! lol! then on the nxt day we went to lotsa places. my brains kinda dead right now so i dont remember much! im srry. i'll fill in things in my other posts k? k!
well on the last day we went to the statue of liberty and ellis island. me jeff erica and nick were in a group again. this time with mrR. hes soo kool! we had tons of fun. and in china town...we got lost! lol! we were lookin for little italy and somem ppl gave us the rong directions and we got wicked lost. i was panicking. and wen i got a lil separated from yjr group i like screamed. well not scream but freaked out majorly. i like ran forward found jeff cuza his bright orange shirt and like hugged him. haha! it was funny. and the bus was really late wen we got back. funny thing is that we were 40 minutes late too! hehe! well i'll tell you about the bus trip home some other day bcuz im like tired i need to look at everyone elses sites ok? nighty nights!
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Friday, July 1, 2005
im back from nyc! well i got back at 12:30 this morning. but same diffrence. im gunna put a post up about it but im lazy now so im gunna put it up tomorrow. i hope thas ok and if its not then o well i guess. lol! well i'll ttyl!
uk...the world IS really just an idiots parade...
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
hey hey hey! im gunna be in NYC for a couple days! im gunna miss everyone here evn tho its only a couple days! lol! well...wen i gt back me is gunna look at everyones site k? haha!
buhbye everyone!
ps: |
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Monday, June 27, 2005
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im so more quizzes...told u i liked them...
im obsessed with these quizzes!
~~~darkheart |
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Happy Is Back!
my happy is back! yay! im soo happy! i feel bad now. i dont hate stina as much as it sounded. i was in a bad mood. stinas my bff! but sometimes ppl bug me. its not my fault. its nature! but scotts sis told him wut i sed so now hes mad at me and im tryin to fix things up bcuz hes like my bestest frend ever! i dont wanna looze my bestest frend ever! that would be bad!
~~~scott is my most bestest frend ever! im soooo srry!
~~~erica is my koolest bff4e4e4e!
~~~kaz is too kool!!!
~~~amy rocks and is my bff4e4e4e!
~~~jeff is so awesome hes the koolest!
~~~stina is muh bff4e4e...SMM! lylas!
~~~jack rox everyones sox! ^_^
haha buhbyeness! no more posts today i promise!
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lots of quizzes!
im obsessed with these quizzie things now!
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ik ik this is so random but idc! until ppl post about my quiz...(look below) im gunna have this up! plus i finally lerned how to put pics on my site! im sooo happy for me!
here they are:
Your a persian!!
You are mean,bossy and never give a care!!!
What cat are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 .:you're a sweettart:. obviously, you're super uber sweet, plus always happy, cheerful, hyper... ya know. but you aren't always true to yourself. Don't suck in all your emotions, let 'em out. you wont be 100% sweet all the time, but at least it's more humane, and think about it, when you eat too many sweettarts, you get sick of them anyway.
.:what type of candy personality do you have:. brought to you by Quizilla no sweethart...stupid quiz! i wanna kick that person's @$$!
src=""> Your wise quote is: "The best antiques are old friends" by Unknown... Your buds is the source of your happiness (maybe not all but still). Even if it's just one, a couple or a whole group they are the ones you can't wait to see. It does not matter if you're shy with everyone else or not, with them you let your true spirit shine and can be as loud as you want. They accept you, and you love them for that.
What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
more ot come!
~~~darkheart |
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
 You are like the snow fairy, she is very beautiful, she has the power to make things beautiful, but She is sometimes quite selfish, and spends most of the time she should be using her magic staring at her self in the mirror. Other than the fact that she is vain and selfish. She is a nice person, when she IS actually using her magic, her powers are great, and she is very helpful. Well that's most of the tings about the snow fairy, can you relate to some of them? You probably can, because that is what this quiz is for!
**The ultimate Fairy quiz**(anime pics!) for girls, but if you are a guy you can take it too! !**being improved more**! brought to you by Quizilla
haha only 4 ppl commented but im gunna put the rezults down anyways! but nxt time i wont ^_^ haha! ok here they r:
wolfygirl89--NightClan--u r true to yerself and like to hide in the shadows...u dont jump head first into aything and dont start uneccessary fights...
GCMeetMyMaker, dragonrider6, Dark moon Yoko--EarthClan--yer heart is frozen from harsh events in yer life and u like earth bcuz it controls all elements on it...
heres anuther quiz for yall!:::
Wut Element R U?
1. wuz yer usual attitude?
a. depressed, lonely, sad
b. hyper, smart, attitude
c. caring, kind, peaceful
d. outgoing, explosive, strange
2. wut kinda animal would u wanna be?
a. raven, wolf
b. cat, tiger
c. bunny, sheep
d. bull, horse
3. wut song do u like?
a. imaginary
b. sk8er boi
c. something classical...
d. nobodys fool
4. wuts yer fave season?...again!
a. winter
b. summer
c. spring
d. fall
5. wut TV kinda show do u like???
a. something mysterious
b. something interesting
c. something cute
d. something crazy!
10 comments and i'll put the answers up. no sooner this time so tell ppl to take it! lol! and i wanna kno if i should keep doin these quizzes for yall!
over and out!
the time, keeping gold in their cave that they have stolen. They only come out when they feel like destroying things, but that only happens about once every 1000 years!Please rate! i luv to know what people think!
The ultimate mystic creature quiz!improved! brought to you by Quizilla
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