Birthday 1991-08-05 Gender
Female Location Madagascar. Member Since 2005-04-03 Occupation Real Name Nikki.
Achievements Talking like Gir. Anime Fan Since prolly 1st grade!! Favorite Anime Goals Making the varsity volleyball team. Hobbies Talents Being too lazy to go to sleep =) darkheart13
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Sorry. This post looks boring. I'm not in the mood to get everything together.
J: well i wanna be ur friend but i dont wanna at the same time
J: i hate you for this
Yea. Jeremy said that to me. A small piece of our convo tonight. We have been arguing for a little over 3 hours now. Great, isn't it? *sigh* I feel so worhtless. Silverdragongirl is right. he doesn't know how to just be friends.
He thinks that my life is AMAZiNG because people "adore" me. pssh. First of all... they don't adore me. I have a few close friends and a lot of just friends.
He also thinks his life is worse because of his religion. But that isn't worse than betrayal. At least I don't think so... =/ Sorry. i almost was about to talk about what happened to make me say that... you prolly wouldn't be too interested in that. I appologize again... Sorry.
I feel... peaceful. I don't know why. It feels kinda creepy, yet nice. you know what I mean? I don't know what I am going to do. if this fight thing ((one as big as this)) happens again... I am just gunna cut myself off from him. It might hurt... but it would be for the better. At least I think so...
Oh btw... I thought this was funny::
Me: yepp... soo... did you decide?
Jeremy: we can be long as you forgive me when i'm an ass
Me: Alrighty. Agreed. Unless you rr an ass too often.
Me: then *smacks Jeremy in the face and brings out the brick*
J: noooo!
I started laughing after that. I found it quite amuzing. Heh. =)
Time: 12:56AM.
Song: None.
TV show: InuYasha... missed half of it because of some retard.
Today was pretty fun. Me and Erica went to the mall and tried on some weirdish clothes. Then we hung out with Pulsifer and Mike. And then went swimming and almost got run over by a row boat. Yes... a row boat.
((Sorry if I don't get to everyone's sites. My computer has a bad connection))
Anywhoo... right now and for the last 20 minutes or so, I have been fighting/arguing ((whatever you wanna call it)) with Jeremy. I am soo fucking ((Excuse the language, I am very very mad. If you don't like it, then you don't have to read this post)) mad right now!
J: would it be wrong to tell you that you piss me off
D: probably
J: so i wont -_- haha
J is away at 12:40:16 AM.
D: thanks you piss me off too
Auto response from J: TV umm nothing better to do, so back lata
What on earth was i thinking?
D: what on earth were you thinking? Ohh talking about how you went out with me?
D: thank you for that, too.
J returned at 12:42:37 AM.
J: no
D: whatever
D: explain it then
J: explain what>
D: What on earth was i thinking?
J: idk
J: it wasnt about u
D: shure.
J: u know u were my best gf so that wo uldnt make sense
D: it could.
D: i obviously piss you off.
J: well it doesnt
J: yeah
J: cuz for some reason u feel the need to take out all ur anger on me from the day
D: i didnt HAVE any anger from today because, in fact, today was awesome.
D: until i got online -_- and you were being a jerk.
J: how?
D: You just seem to have been since I ended it.
J: its not because of that
D: i didn't say it wa.s
J: u've just been acting really...bitchy (sorry but i cant think of anything else) no matter what i do
J: how?
D: just... you seem diff.
J: well so do you
D: because of you!
J: and i'm just responding to you...
J: cuz you get mad way too easily
D: i do not.
D: if im so horrible then why do you like me?
J: i could ask you the same thing
D: oh yea? how many bad things have i said about you? The only thing was that you rr kind of acting like a jerk.
J: what have i said about you besides you were acting bitchy
D: all you do is complain about how I am too competitive and how I get mad too easily.
J: cuz you do and no i dont
D: yes you do. everytime we got into an arguement.
D: which was... all the time.
J: well because it usually starts because u get mad too easily or you're competetive
D: i dont get mad too easily.
J: every time i say something wrong or ask you a question you do
D: no. because half your questions rr questioning.
J: um
D: it's simple.
J: thats kinda the point of a question
D: seems like you NEVER trusted me.
J: well i did
D: Shure didnt seem like it.
J: well maybe you should've trusted me when i told you i trusted you
J: cuz everytime i wonder about something doesnt mean i dont trust you
D: well maybe you should have put more emphasis on that.
J: on what?
D: that you trusted me because you allways questioned me.
J: so its my fault that you got mad for me asking questions?
d: i didnt say that
j: ok
j: well i'm sorry i guess
d: no you rrnt.
j: i dont feel like argueing about it anymore
d: that's why you rr saying sorry.
j: yes
d: so you dont mean it.
j: should i be sorry for wondering about things?
d: i dont care if you rr sorry or not.
j: ok
^If THiS is what "love" is... i FREAKiNG HATE it with a BURNiNG PASSiON! >_< Urgh.
On a better note, Silverdragongirl let me borrow her Fruits basket comics again. I need to catch up because I fell behind and got lost. Hahaa.
Apparently... me and Jeremy rr good now... urgh. He is gunna be the leading cause of my stress which is gunna end up KiLLiNG me someday SOON.
He not only pissed me off... He made me miss some of InuYasha. That goes at the top of the list!
Jeremy just told me that he wants to forget everything about me and move somewhere else. -_-" and I think he likes that girl from texas that he never met. Heh.
I'm going to bed.
I am gunna make a Pirates of the Caribbean fan club. Silverdragongirl is helping me with it. Would anyone like to join? According to silverdragongirl... she loves the banners I made. Anyone else wanna join?
1- Darkheart13.
2- alphonse13.
3- whitecat.
4- silverdragongirl.
5- MewMewstreet.
5- angel kat.
6- Oceania16.
7- kagomeinuyasha199.
8- Mewprincess.
9- Night shade2.
10- ninjagirl242004
11 - GeorgieEviHarri.
12 - crazymonkey1432.
13 - EdwardElricThe2nd.
Thank you to everyone who has already said they would join =) You rock my pink and black striped socks.
Time: 7:57AM.
Mood: Tired.
Song: None.
TV show: None.
Yesturday was pretty good. I hung out with Lauren, Danielle and Tori for a couple hours. Lauren has an AC so I was like "YES!" haha. But then they ran over my new sunglasses >_< I was soo mad. I need to superglue them now. Ugh. And this is too early. My eyes won't open all the way. Lol.
Then me, C-boy and my Mom had to bring Mia ((Tom's kitten)) to the vet. who happens to be my cousin. Woot. She spazzed once she got into the car. Then she was fine.
After that, I went to C-boy's baseball game and met up with Alien and Silverdragongirl. It was so much fun. ^^ I was annoying Alien a lot. haha. And she coulnd't punch me like she always does because my mom was RiGHT THERE. Which rocked so many socks. =) woot.
Then I went to Doofus' house and picked her up. And we came back to Tom's. I talked to Jeremy online and what-not. He was kool with it *wipes forhead* Whew! And Doofus did her dance to Pon de Replay. Moe taught me a hip hop song, which I learned how to do with any song, so I did that while she was dancing. Quite amuzing, if you ask me.
Then we went to bed at midnight because we needed to wake up early ((9:30ish)) this morning to get ready to go to the mall and BE CRAZY =) We're gunns go into all the stores and take pictures. =) SWEET. Then we rr going to the Lake and then hanging out with everyone and playing volleyball.
For my birthday, me Doofus and Silverdragongirl ((my best friends since kindergarten)) rr going to a Renaissance Festival. I am soo excited. I love Renaissance Festivals. If you don't know what it is, everyone there dresses up like they rr in a village during a certain time period in the Renaissance. They have mock trials, jousting, dunking in the lake... everything. Psychics, and annoying guy you get to throw tomatoes at. Those things were you put your head AND hands through when you rr arrested. Yummy giant turkey legs =) haha. It's just really kool. I love the archery. And you can dress up for it, too. I don't have enough money to rent a costume though. Two years ago, I went as a gothic faerie. This year and I am just gunna wear a jean skirt, tank top and striped socks =) haha.
Sorry if I don't get to everyone's site this morning. I will do that later tonight because I am with Doofus and that's kinda rude. So once she wakes up, I'm off. Sorry.
Thank you for joining my club =) Anyone else wanna join?
I am gunna make a Pirates of the Caribbean fan club. Silverdragongirl is helping me with it. Would anyone like to join? According to silverdragongirl... she loves the banners I made. Anyone else wanna join?
1- Darkheart13.
2- alphonse13.
3- whitecat.
4- silverdragongirl.
5- MewMewstreet.
5- angel kat.
6- Oceania16.
7- kagomeinuyasha199.
8- Mewprincess.
9- Night shade2.
10- ninjagirl242004
11 - GeorgieEviHarri.
12 - crazymonkey1432.
Thank you to everyone who has already said they would join =) You rock my pink and black striped socks.
Muchlove =)
ps: I made a new wallpaper and it is pretty sweet. I am actually very proud of this one. =) yay!
Thank you to everyone who commented me 13 times yesturday. && helped me with my problems. =) You rr all awesome.
Time: 11:37PM - 12:04PM. Longg.
Mood: Tired. Worrying. Blahh.
Song: Car Underwater - Armor for Sleep.
TV show: None.
Oye. I am starting to worry. Jeremy comes home tomorrow ((Monday)) which I guess is now today. And *sigh* my mom won't let me go back out with him. I don't know. I guess that is good in a way. I dunno. I love him, though, but all the same... I hated how we could never go anywhere or anything. It sucked. basically an online relationship. Which, those rrnt bad, but... I dunno. it's complicated. Soo... I have to break the news to him tomorrow. GREAT. I'm worried that he is going to hate me or something. i don't want that. I want us to be best friends... yaa know? I don't know what to do.
On a more positive note... me and Danielle went to a party with my mom and her friends. Haha. My lil bro was there, too. It was pretty fun. Me and Danielle were wading in seaweed... yummy. haha.
So I am freaking worried about Jeremy. Does anyone know what I should do?! I'm so... sad/ confused/ alone/ i don't know. Thank you to anyone who can help me.
And omg. After I commented a few people... it wouldn't let me commment anyone anymore. DAMN iT! Maybe it'll work tomorrow ((Monday)). because my MySpace commenting won't work either. Hmm.
Good night everyone.
&& sweet dreams.
I am gunna make a Pirates of the Caribbean fan club. Silverdragongirl is helping me with it. Would anyone like to join? According to silverdragongirl... she loves the banners I made. Anyone else wanna join?
1- Darkheart13.
2- alphonse13.
3- whitecat.
4- silverdragongirl.
5- MewMewstreet.
5- angel kat.
6- Oceania16.
7- kagomeinuyasha199.
8- Mewprincess.
9- Night shade2.
10- ninjagirl242004
11 - GeorgieEviHarri.
12 - crazymonkey1432.
Thank you to everyone who has already said they would join =) You rock my pink and black striped socks.
Muchlove =)
ps: I just emailed Jeremy. So hopefully he gets online tomorrow... so we can talk. Ugh. *sigh*.
Ohh noo... don't cry, don't cry =( *holds in crying* I suck at life!
This image kinda shows how I feel.
So I put this one on.
Sorry for going on about it... =(
Time: 9:03AM.
Mood: Hyper. In pain.
Song: Best of Me - The Starting Line.
TV show: None.
*yawns* OUCH! Last night my bro accidently hit my jaw... and it popped out of place again. And it flet like my tooth was loose. Ouchiess. And now it makes a pop-rocks noise when I open it all the way. Kinda kool, but painful at the same time.
So today is gunna be wicked busy. I have to go to a different mall to get my gray over-shirt thing because the one at the mall near me was ripped... and the only other sizes were L and XL. *sigh* So we have to go there. Then I am going to my house to take care of Dusty and Miss-Q ((My bunnie and kittie)) and my Mom has to mow the lawn. So while that is going on, I am gunna call Chad. Because I might not be able to see/ talk to him until Friday or Saturday. Which really sucks because I miss Chad! Actually... I miss a lot of my friends. *tear*.
Yea... so tomorrow, Jeremy comes home from OHiO! The state with a kool name =) But urgh at the same time for some reason... I dunno. I miss him, though. But now I feel... free... does that make sense? Like I don't have to worry about him getting mad at me anymore... well, he can, but I won't feel as guilty. He actually questioned once if me and Alien were Bi because we hang out a lot. I was like WTF?! NO!! Argh anywhoo... don't think we will be able to get back together until he shapes up. Seriously.
Sorry my posts rr all soo long! I have a lot on my mind and I need to let it out to people I don't know so I can have their opinions and everyone here is soo nice =) The only people I tell everything to anyways is Doofus and Amez ((silvergragongirl))... so thank you for reading and helping me out! It means a lot to me =)
I am gunna make a Pirates of the Caribbean fan club. Silverdragongirl is helping me with it. Would anyone like to join? According to silverdragongirl... she loves the banners I made. lol. But it can't go into full effect until i get TEN people to join.
1- Darkheart13.
2- alphonse13.
3- whitecat.
4- silverdragongirl.
5- MewMewstreet.
5- angel kat.
6- Oceania16.
7- kagomeinuyasha199.
8- Mewprincess.
Thank you to everyone who has already said they would join =) You rock my socks.
Muchlove =)
ps: I have a new fan art up and 3 wallpapers from yesturday... The fan art isn't great because it was quick but I needed something new up there! Thanks.
I just thought this picture was kind of kool.
Silverdragongirl helped me pick it out.
I hope you like it a loy =)
Time: 9:02PM.
Mood: Hyper.
Song: Nuthing.
TV show: The Water Boy.
Well... I am in a much better mood now. =) My awesome friend, Erica, is going to come over on Monday! And sleep over. WOOTNESS. party in the house!! Now I just need to figure out a time when Amez ((silverdragongirl)) can come over... and the world would be a better place... for a couple days, at least.
Anywhoo... I went to the mall today and got a lot of awesome clothes. YAY! From Rue21, I got this amazing striped black and white tank top. With a see through button down gray 3-quarter-length shirt for over and a gray scarf with skulls on it for my neck ((duhh)). It's awesomeee. And at Hot Topic, I got a white tank top with black polka dots and an olive green tank top with black broken hearts on it that your wear over the polka dot one. And I got a gray tank top and gray tee shirt with a slit down the neck part at Aero and awesome capris from Sears ((i like cheaper stores, too)) and A plaid skirt from Old Navy. Ohh wow. I am happy. I still have to get some clothes for the Caribbean though. Everytime we went into a store, my mom is like "We rr getting clothes for the Caribbean" and I was like "I know! But the Caribbean makes me think of Pirates of the Caribbean and that makes me want skulls!" It was quite funny!
GoodNight =)
I am gunna make a Pirates of the Caribbean fan club. Silverdragongirl is helping me with it. Would anyone like to join? According to silverdragongirl... she loves the banners I made. lol. But it can't go into full effect until i get TEN people to join.
1- Darkheart13.
2- alphonse13.
3- whitecat.
4- silverdragongirl.
5- MewMewstreet.
5- angel kat.
6- Oceania16.
7- kagomeinuyasha199.
8- Mewprincess.
Thank you to everyone who has already said they would join =) You rock my socks.
Time: 9:39AM.
Mood: Hyper.
Song: The Kraken - POTC.
TV show: None.
Good morning to everyone! I woke up earlier than I wanted to. Oh well.I hope today is better than the rest of the week was. I found out that Chad wanted to hang out with me a couple days ago and Mike told him I wasn't here ((Mom's bf's house)) anymore. I was like WTF. Mike can be such an asshole... it's not even funny. He is soo JEALOUS. He stopped talking to me all winter because I was with Jeremy. And now he is jealous because me and Chad rr really good friends. SO WHAT? Chad's nice, kool, and not some dumbass who thinks he is God's gift to the earth. Heh. To put it plainly... I would much rather hang out with Chad then Mike... shocking to say, I know. Anywhoo... I need a shower... because everyone wanted to know that... jk. I have two new wallpapers that I submitted. And I am gunna submit somemore today. I'm proud of myself haha. I want food... so I will post later.
I am gunna make a Pirates of the Caribbean fan club. Silverdragongirl is helping me with it. Would anyone like to join? According to silverdragongirl... she loves the banners I made. lol. But it can't go into full effect until i get TEN people to join.
1- Darkheart13.
2- alphonse13.
3- whitecat.
4- silverdragongirl.
Thank you to everyone who has already said they would join =) You rock my socks.
Time: 10:10PM.
Mood: Lonely. Tired.
Song: Miss Murder - AFI.
TV show: None.
Hello, everyone. it's kind of late to be posting. But i am bored... so yepp. Hmmm. i miss Jeremy. Part of me thinks what i did was wrong, the other part knows i was right. i dunno. i miss him a lot. whatever. i'll have to wait 'til Monday to talk to him anyways. Urgh. And no one is online now. it isn't that late! Hmmph. Today was slightly boring. Oh and thanks to anyone who checked out my friend's music video in the post below this one. it means a lot to her, so it means a lot to me. well... tomorrow hopefully people will want to hang out. With me, at least. Haa. So... from what you know about me and Jeremy... do you think we should get back together? We both love each other... and i know that matters a lot... hmm. What do you guys think? I know you won't lie to me. it officially feels like i made my life worse. if my mom finds out about me and Jeremy though, she will kill me... yea. I most likely will wait -_-" i do not want to feel her wrath! Ohh and please check out my two new WALLPAPERS. The theme for one of them is InuYasha and the theme for the other is Tokyo Mew Mew. Thank you everyone. And good night.
I am gunna make a Pirates of the Caribbean fan club. Silverdragongirl is helping me with it. Would anyone like to join? According to silverdragongirl... she loves the banners I made. lol. But it can't go into full effect until i get TEN people to join.
1- Darkheart13.
2- alphonse13.
3- whitecat.
4- silverdragongirl.
Thank you to everyone who has already said they would join =) You rock my socks.
Muchlove =)
Some random pictures right here!! =) I hope you enjoy them!
^Check this out PLEASE. My friend, Nicolee, entered a music video contest and she is in 11th place... she needs more views! So it would be most helpful if you watched it =) thank you!
PiRATES OF THE CARiBBEAN fan club =) I am gunna make it if I have at least 10 people joining. Soo far i have:
1 - Darkheart13 ((me))
2 - alphonse13
3 - whitecat
4 - silverdragongirl
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
UGH! My volleyball plans rr not working out. it is raining! Stupid rain. i might go run around in it later. i am kinda hyper, yet lazy, right now. Hmm. And hungry. Things rr good between me and Jeremy... we rrnt together. And this time i am gunna stick with that until the school year. i don't know if he cares much or not. i mean, he understood when i told him, but if he loves me as much as he says he does, i thought he would prevent it or something. he has before. i dunno. part of me doesn't care. i think he likes someone else. not shure who... but you know how you get that feeling sometimes? yea... i usually don't get it, but i have it right now. Oh... the rain stopped kinda. i want the sun to come out now. hmm. Anywhoo... i have no plans for today. Rica and Moe rr going on vacation with family for the weekend... and i am gunna be alone =( i think. i dunno. depends if my friends have plans... and if i am gunna be home. i never am home! Wow. SO the rain has stopped. Jeremy is now mad at me because i won't tell him about myO. Pssh. i don't care. what a dumbass... he said he isn't... but he stopped talking to me? Oh. That makes perfect sense right there. He is going to OHiO! later. And yes... i have to write OHiO! like OHiO! because OHiO! is a kool word haha. i will u0pdate laterness. Buhbye everyone.
i hope you like the pictures. i found random ones. =) and i like them haha. i had to add this one!!!