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Saturday, January 28, 2006
Heyy Heyy Heyy!!
Hi Everyone!!
I Havent benn here in a while. like a few monthes lol. anywhoo... things have benn good for me. im styll with Jeremy and i made it through my first half of high skool. booyah!! i totally missed coming here but i have benn so bizzy that it is crazy!!
I made the JV Volleyball team. which is aweosme. and im pritty good. im good at serving and spiking. betta watch out yo! and i have awesome grades... well to me they r except for Earth Science which i have an 84% overall and 86% for first semester. but its all good.
im going to start softball as my spring sport and i have some conditioning things to go to. o joy. weight lifting. lol.
Well i might possibly be coming on here every weekend again. but the thing is... my computer ((well the one where im at now)) wont lemme comment on ne thing n its pissing me off so bad! But i will deff try n get on wen im home!! i should be able to by next week since Vball is ending on Friday. so were kool.
And i will be having some new artwork up soon too... sometime this weekend actually!! So make shure u check it out.
O! and my art teacher entered me in an artshow and its awesome. i wuz like whoa. Amy ((Silverdragongirl)) wuz entered in it too. and ill steal her sometime to bring her over to scan some of her pictures... they r really good!!!
Have any of you guys heard of MySpace? cuz i finally got mine... well i got it in November but i dint get on here so yea... you should check mine out if u have one and we can be frends on that!!! my link is on the left side under websites. so you can find it there.
well i dont rlly have anything else to say. im kinda bored and im trying to make a quiz on Quizilla but the pictures are taking so long to download!! well if u ever go to that site look for quizzes made by x..MyPaperHeart..x Cuz thas me!! =D okie dokes?
Im going to get going. i will prolly be on wayy later tonight cuz i never rlly sleep anymore... as if i did in the first place!!
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
whew i havent benn on otsku in a while. so much haz happened. on thurs... Jeremy asked me out. last weekend i had a skool dance 4 Halloween. i wore all black. i got into a fight w/ my frend mike like a thousand times cuz he is makin funna Jeremy. grrness. i got my new myspace if u wanna check it out...
itz koolness hehe. n ull get 2 c wut i look like. thas alwayz a plus! =) o n im passin skool. n i made the JV vball teem. woohoo!! i dint think i wuz gunna!
laadedaa im gunna try to get to pplz sitez riight now!
byez! niight!
~*~Darkheart~*~ |
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
Amez, u prolly kno this alrdy lol.
well this week was like whoa for me.
i decided that me n mike should stay frends.
thas good bcuz he lives 45minz away n long distance relationships dont last too long.
well they usually dont...
n he agrees with me wich made things a lot ezier.
i styll like him a lot but yea i alrdy told ya lolol.
but theres someone else teehee.
his name is jeremy.
hes rlly cuute n hes skater.
pluss we have a lot in common n we go to the same skool haha.
omg i like him sooo much.
*sigh* he is seriously aaaall im thinking bout.
u guys evr like someone soo much that they r the only thin on yer mind???
n since like oct 2nd...
me n time have benn at each others throats lol.
n tonight ((last night now...))
we werent.
he IMed me n like we talked without swearing or yelling at each other.
it was weerd.
i styll dont like him very much tho lolol.
i dont think ill evr forgive him 4 wut he did to me...
the dumbass...
ik that sounds mean but w/e.
darn it i thought of something else n now i forgot.
this sux...
srry this post is so long...
i havent posted in a forever. lol
i made up a new word. its "Taha"!
aint it da koolest?!!?
well im going to go now.
im goin to chekk pplz sites.
WOO finally lol
nighty nightz/ morning
--Question: Wuz yer fave element n y?
~~Me: I like dark bcuz its mysterious and different. u nvr kno wut to expect frum it...
^^Jus a randum quiz... i got Billy so i thought wut the hell? Billy's frikkin awesome! |
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Saturday, October 29, 2005
im sitting here chylling with rica. woo! she is sooo kool.
ill chekk pplz sites tomorrow cuz im bizzu right now! lol
so wuz new?
im watching pimp my riide! yesh!
omg i have to tell u guys something!
LUV YA! <3
~*~Darkheart13~*~ |
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
omg it wont lemme comment! : X !! now i feel rlly badd...
ill try sometime this week wen im home...
~*~Darkheart~*~ |
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omg it wont lemme comment! : X !! now i feel rlly badd...
ill try sometime this week wen im home...
~*~Darkheart~*~ |
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Saturday, October 22, 2005
Howdyyy! my computers being gay so im going to go to evryones sites tonight! YAY! srry i dint last night i was kinda bizzy.
((whoa im actually posting... i dint it would work... it dint erlier))
well i'll be back later!!
~*~Darkheart~*~ |
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
o m g
toms comp wont lemme comment! aaaah!!
and i had a crappy week... *cry*
ps: ill try to comment but no promises... now i feel bad.. im srry evryone |
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
im sooooo srrrrryy i nvr got to ne ones sites this weekend. i had frends over sooo... i couldnt. im going to deff look at evryones on friday wen im at toms. kk? once again im sooo srry!
~*~Darkheart~*~ |
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
last night was the homecoming dance. i went w/ amez n erique. it was funnn!
i luved dancing! and i danced w/ my xbf, nick. uk... that dancing called grinding. ^_^ lol. and slo dancing. but my frend, erique likes him, n i feel like shit cuz i styll like him. :( so im not shure ne more. and i think i styll have feelings for scott.
but not for tim. hes a dumbass scumbag. he made out w/ his xgf on the couch the day b4 we broke up and then he told evryone that i was cheeting on him!!! the LOOZER! and im like to him im happy for u n kayleigh ((his xgf... he asked her out like right afta we broke up)) and im glad u guys r together. we r better off as frends. HE TOLD ME TO FUCK OFF! then the next day im like "oomg im happy!" and hes like "finally... cuz im out of yer life" ((wich is pretty much true but... uk... UGH!
ill post laterness!
~*~Darkheart~*~ |
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