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Thursday, February 12, 2004
HAHAHAHAHA!!! someone emailed me saying that there is no way possible that i have played the KH2 demo, well, guess what?your wrong! i have! Anzu sent it to me! Well, i wouldnt say its the demo, but, it was more of the opening movie and some battle phaases, it ends in Twilight town, and that sucks, it was like, 10 minutes long..... but oh well, here it the conversation we had, i mean, with the person who emailed me:
>"Ray B." wrote:Okay...first of all there is no way in hell you've ever played a Kh2 demo. The game hasnt even been confirmed for realease in Japan let alone a U.S. release. There is no way in hell you've gotten a KH2 demo and personally I think you make yourself look incredibly stupid by going around saying that. If we ever do get KH2 over here it probably wont be till late 2005.
Me wrote >im glad that you show'd your true colors, but that doesn't give you the right to go around saying > that.One of my best friends, who lives in Japan, who's uncles, is a executive Producer with SquareSoft sent me the firt, like chapter of the game. So don't be giving me all this crap about how im a lier, i can give you a full on summary on the first chapter. If that's what it takes to prove myself.
Ray B." wrote: >There is no way you could have a demo. Disney hasnt even agreed to the making of it yet. There is no official realease date in Japan and anyway i doubt they would make an English version of the first chapter just espicially for you.
ME wrote>yes, disney has aggreed to it, they did like 2 years ago when it was being made , the actual game comes out in december, and it comes out in Japan in,like september, and the demo wasn't for the PS2, it was over the computer like, the first ten minutes of the game, most of it was a movie, but half way through it started to screw up, and almost made my computer crash so, there went all my files...
Ray B." wrote: > >Where do you get your info? There is currently NO set release date for KH2. You are so full of shit. But hey, Good luck getting other people to believe...and you probably will. Most people on the internet are extremely gullible.
Me wrote >i get my information from square smart ass, and that is a reliable source, seeing as how they publish the games. And if all your going to do is get jealous over the fact that i know more than you do, go ahead, no one's stopping you, and if you don't believe me, go to KingdomHearts Sg msn group, there will be about 80 more people that new the release date even before i did. So there's no reason to get all up tight jack ass. AND YES THERE IS A RELEASE DATE< IF YOU WATCH X_PLAY ON TV. THEY EVEN SAID WHEN IT WAS COMMING OUT. thank you, and i hope you have a crappy day.YOU PIECE OF SHIT!
P.S: it was in japanese, the demo i mean, i can understand just so you know.
Ray. B wrote<
Thank you, and i hope you have a great day.
p.s. Now see...isnt that a much better way to end an email instead of worthless insults?
Me wrote:i guess you could say that, well, here some of the names from KH 2:
The new, white enemies seen near the end of the trailer are said to be "third forces following the Villains (in each world) and the Heartless from Kingdom Hearts"
Tyke is the follower in the black cloak with red hair
the blonde Kid wasn't revealed in th demo part, like i said, it was onlt 10 minutes long, but he is like the other side of Sora, and he pledges to be loyal to him or something, i couldn't quite make that part out.
As far as the guy with the belts on his head goes, he has some relation to Ansem, whether its him or not? i did not find out in the demo.
Now that your satisfied, here is an ACTUAL review on KH 2
Although many of us have been upset by the lack of Kingdom Hearts information coming from the Square-Enix booth at E3 (and from Square-Enix alone), I am pleased to say that there are other sources suppling stories for Kingdom Hearts. The most recent one comes from this month's issue of the Official U.S. Playstation Magazine (OPM). In it, there is an article on Kingdom Hearts that mentions the already announced Kingdom Hearts Saga. As mentioned before, Square-Enix has decided to make Kingdom Hearts as their third front game (along with Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest). This will result in much more than one Kingdom Hearts sequels. Now we can expect an entire series of Kingdom Hearts games. Also, according to the OPM, Kingdom Hearts 2 has already been in production for quite some time, and talks of the KH3 planning are already emerging. The game should be scheduled for a late Fall of 2004 release. This date is still up in the air (you know how releases are) but one reassuring comment is that KH2 will be for the PS2 console. That's right, no need to go out and buy another console to just to play one game. Also as mentioned before, more info on Square-Enix's conference on the 29th has been uncovered. It is "assumed" that the 29th conference is where "perhaps another noteworthy title will be unveiled", just as the October 22nd conference was for Final Fantasy X-2. If this statement is correct, you can bet your buttons that the "noteworthy title" will undoubtedly be Kingdom Hearts 2. Just by looking at the facts, we can already guess that it was about time for Square-Enix to say something. KH2 well into development, stories in magazines, E3 coming to an end, and of course no one can forget our beloved Deep Dive, which was also featured in OPM. So if I were you, I'd cross your fingers, go to church some more, and wait to hear more news from your favorite news man... Dan Rather... haha just foolin'. Until next time.
So that was the conversation, can you guys believe that he called you guys gullible?
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