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.....I'm a game freak, art student, alchemist in training, and a poor college student! woot ramen!
Real Name
everyone calls me Kairi.
going to college, ohhhh yeah XD
Anime Fan Since
sailor moon came out here in the US
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, full metal alchemist, inuyasha, Angel Sanctuary, DN angel, Kare Kano, Trigun, gundam seed, wolf's rain, Gravitation, bleach, or, as far as games go, kingdom hearts 1&2, Final Fantasy 7, 8,10 and 10-2, Star Ocean: Till the end of time
I'm gonna be a game designer, a keyblade master, lord hokage, and king of the pirates! (so what if I'm a girl?)
playing games, watching anime, drawing, eating, and listening 2 music!
drawing, and I can eat a whole pizza by myself! ^-^
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
I shall rule the world!!!!
...okies...maybe not....I'm listening to A One Winged Angel, so I'm felling a demonic....yes, thats the word, now I think I'll go beat up cloud in kingdom hearts!
=^-^= Sorry I havn't been posting....I've been working on those evil summer projects advanced classes give you...grrrr...
I'm going to go to Austin next week, and to me that means one thing-looking for anime stores and buying anything I can get my greedy hands on!!! like those DN Angel DVDs....or that Momiji plushie....and, if I can find one, an Inuyasha hoodie! there's SO much stuff I want to that new CD the Pillows have out..Penalty Life...and then I have to save up money all of august for FFVII: Advent Children!! T.T I'll never get enough money....but, if all else fails, go play KH and destroy Cloud!! *demonic grin* cya laters!
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
^_^ hehe
ummm, well I havn't posted because I was in florda the whole disney world though, I was on panama city beach...*sniffle* it was fun....except the evil gave me a sunburn....(never let your ten year old cousin help you put on sunblock!) but yeah....I was in the water most of the time...I hate the sun, but I take to water like a fish! I'm going to change the site again....I have no clue what though....I guess you'll have to see for yourself, lol!
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Friday, July 1, 2005
Heh, hiyas!
song most closely related to my mood right now-Destati from Kingdom Hearts
Umm...well I thought I'd add that, I'm bored and I have Kingdom Hearts on the brain, so...yeah. I haven't updated for a few days because I've been writing some KH2 fanfics and theories, and I've been submitting them to (one of the best kingdom hearts sites EVER) I guess I feel like beating the crap out of some heartless right now, lol. Its a good thing.
I've been saving up money lately for some games, like the new Legend of Zelda for the GCN, and Kingdom Hearts 2, of course..I meant to reserve a copy of it last year, but that Nintendo DS looked so shiny and I just HAD to buy it...oh, well....I know...I sound very bored right now...I AM bored, summer has finally sunk in, and now I just want be back at school with all my game/anime/orlando bloom-fanatic friends...go figure, lol. I'm still working on my Kairi cosplay costume, and I've also decided to make a Keyblade...(either Kingdom Key or Oblivion, or both) When I'm not wearing my cosplay costume at the next Con, (which is O-chibiCon in august) I'll be swinging around a keyblade, in cargos and a KH shirt, lol. I am going to bring about $300 to just buy stuff, becase I'm going to try and stay all three days. I'm outta stuff to talk, cya laters.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
well, yesterday I went to buy the materials, and I realized that I forgot to bring a picture!!! (or my copy of Kingdom Hearts Ultimania, to be exact)How stupid can you get!? Well, after finding the pattern I was going to use, I went to look through the fabrics for the right color...I thought the color I bought was a little too dark, but when I got home and checked it, IT WAS THE EXACT SAME COLOR OF THE SKIRT IN THE PICTURE!!!! lmao! I started working on the accesories after that, and managed to finish the black choker, and spent one agonizing hour in walmart (I hate walmart with a vengence) and finally found a black tank top to go under my white spaghetti strap shirt! I'm gonna add the purple trim later. I also went to Barnes and Noble and bought DN Angel #7, and after reading it, I only have one one thing to say- Satoshi makes a better Dark than DARK does, lol!!! (And Daisuke makes a better Freedert, lol)
now that I'm in a fan-girlish mood, here's some pics!

Satoshi (blue hair) and Daisuke (red hair)

Satoshi dressed as Dark

the real Dark
^_^ Yay, Satoshi!!
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Monday, June 20, 2005
cosplay costume
oh, yeah, I forgot! I'm getting into sewing lessons this month, and I'm going to buy materials for my cosplay costume tomorrow!!!! I'm going to make a kairi costume, and I'm also going to makes some plushies!!!! I'll post pics of them when they're finished!!!!
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Friday, June 17, 2005
Theme change
I decided I wanted a FFVII Advent Children theme, so here it is! I'll leave my site like this for about a week....(I'm not a huge cloud fan....I only like him FFVII:AC) Then the theme changes to FFVII:AC Sephiroth!!!! The sephy theme will be ten times cooler and awesomer than the cloud theme, and will have A One-Winged Angel playing in the background!!!! Go Sephy!!!
^-^; What can I say, I'm a fangirl!
cya laters!
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
I can't talk long, so I'll make this short. I went to Fry's Electronics yesterday and bought the Wolf's Rain soundtrack!!!! (hence the new background) Yay!!! I love the music from that anime.....its so pretty! (my favorate types of music are Techno, Instrumental, Rock, and J-Pop, lol!) I've also been a big fan of the anime series since it started on Adult Swim!
I guess that's short enough....cya laters!
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
500 hits!!!!! YAY!!!!!
I've finally done it- I've reached 500 hits!!!! I want to say thank you to everyone for being nice and visiting my site and leaving comments!!!! (even though I don't always have time to visit all of you!!!) You guys are the greatest *sniffle* thankies so much!!!!
*gives a gold rupee to everyone*

I like red link! He's so funny, always trying to steal rupees from all the other links, lol! (I drew this one on the paint program too, so I know it doesn't look all that great!
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Monday, June 13, 2005
I know, it's been about a week since I posted last.....*shrugs* I've been surfin' the net looking for some new sites, and I found an awesome one! is an awesome fanart site and it has everything from Legend of Zelda to Inuyasha. I also drew a new looks terrible, but that's because I drew it on the windows paint program with my computer mouse....which, I might add, is an almost impossable task, so please don't be mean.....

tell me what you think! thankies!
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
gahhhhhhhh!!!! this is so stupid!!!
I'm still in a good mood, I'm just acting like a baka! Ok, I've been reading DN Angel a lot, (Daisuke is my favorate character, after all, we're both redheads!) And I'm trying to make some design sketches for a game I want to make when I'm older. The only problem is, whenever I try to draw a dude-character, he ends up looking like Daisuke!!!! no matter how hard I try!!! Either that or he looks like Sora.....I think it's because they have simular hairstyles...but I want to draw an original character!!! Maybe I should read some different manga, that way I'll get used to different styles of characters.....(but I'll still read DN Angel!!!) I've also been watching a lot of sutitled when I'm irritated, I somehow end up muttering japanese under my breath.....yeah, I'm crazy! ^-^ cya!
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