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i dunno...1998?
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dragonball z/gt, naruto, sandland, .hack, shaman king, hikaru no go, knights of the zodiac, yu-gi-oh, yu-yu hakusho, one piece
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uh....lemme get back to you
| darkknight619
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, April 11, 2004
todays an ok birthday...
nothing really special.....
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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
today is the day that i get 100 im kinda happy. doesnt offset the whole jail thing though. plus my family is fighting......::sigh::
11 days till the greatest day of em all!
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004
::sigh:: today's not really a good day for me. i mean yea it's spring break, and i thank whoever the hell was the person that first thought of that. but im sitting at this pool with a whole bunch of my friends chilling and messing around. then we were supposed to have this big basketball game and i find out that only one of my friends not gonna be there, he got arrested and is going 2 jail. GODDAMMIT!!!
Song #6 is Linkin Park - Faint
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
I saw this on a friends site (props to Batsuai) so i thought this would be cool on mine too
What go u think of when you hear...
..snow?: cold
..rain?: wet
..tornado?: stormy
..summer love?: yea right
..Jon?: guy i know
..Mike?: myers
..Shea?: stadium
..banana?: banana boat
..dizzy?: ring around the rosey
..Laura?: girl i know
..Juan?: ponce de leon punch buggy
..white?: snow
..peppermint?: york
..New Found Glory?: punk
..placebo?: huh? juice?: sunny d
..candid camera?: gay
..sister?: havent seen her cool
..hate?: life sucks
..President?: sucks more ok
..rap?: crap
..pop?: crap
..rock?: good
..punk? ok no
..death?: fuck death nothing
..duuude?: wheres my car
..the end?: fuck no
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Wednesday, March 24, 2004
step one of the operation kill juju plan is going well....we have him hostage for ransom....::evil laugh::
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Sunday, March 21, 2004
bad weekend, not really in a good mood and i have school tomorrow....::sigh::
super cool song #5 is Shinedown-45
::sigh:: i hate my life....
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Sunday, March 7, 2004
saw passion, 2 outta 5 stars
super cool song #4 is Blink 182 -Adam's Song
3.16.04- i added this as a modification to this post. i had a bad day when i posted this but then after i forgot about the "incident" but over the past few days ive been feeling pretty pissed so heres what *really* happened during the isnt really a good day 4 me. there is this one girl i am really good friends but im still wondering if we still are. we a whole bunch of friends usually see a movie every month. this time it was the passion (a movie about jesus with a hell of a lot of blood) and i mean the amount of blood in the movie almost makes u sick. well this is wat almost happened 2 her. but for the whole story:
were sitting in the movie theater next 2 each other and we get 2 the part to where these 2 guys r beating the shit out of him with whips and maces, and this guy is covered in blood, so she gets up and leaves. one of her other friends gets up and follows her out 2 see whats up, then the friend comes back alone, so thats when i get up and look 4 her and i dont see her so i go back in. after i sit back down she finally comes back and hangs out with her friend and ignore me for the rest of the time, even after i try 2 see if shes ok.....what a happy ending, right?
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Saturday, March 6, 2004
Juju wil die!!!!!
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Saturday, February 28, 2004
im really bored..........saturday night..... so we all know what that means......quizzes!!
What is your reason for suicide?(with images) brought to you by Quizilla
What is your Inner Anime Hair Color? (With Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
yea im tired so im going to bed
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Wednesday, February 25, 2004
im not really having a good day....and theres not really anything to talk about. im just feeling really shitty and sorta depressed. i have sword practice at least i have *something* to look forward to....super song #3 is finger 11- one thing
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