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my own little world...
Member Since
being able to "speak" a dead language (latin). going to...(insert dramatic music) JAPAN!!!! YAY!!! (hops in circles)
Anime Fan Since
I was too young to remember...
Favorite Anime
its too hard! too...many...favorites...(holds head)
to live in Japan,to speak Japanese fluently and to make my own anime/manga!
watching anime, drawing anime, staring into candles, scaring little children, ect...
...being able to stare into space (or candles) for a long period of time, scaring my own family,scaring my friends...
| darklore kaname
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
could someone check?
is it just my computer, or are the 2 pics for my clubs not showing up...
for some reason they won't.
could someone let me know so i could fix it if its messed up?
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"the dark side" is up and running. (or limping, if you count my internet experience). anyway, it needs supporters, so, if you're visiting my site and have extra time, stop by. i need to know who everyone's fav. evil characters are so i can try and help out the site. so...any help would really be...helpful.
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
it has begun
i have started construction on the "dark side" fan club. its the one for all the cool evil people. if anyone has a favorite evil character, let me know so i can add...(him/her/ to the list i'm making and look for pics. also, if anyone makes a banner with their fav. evil character, let me know.
anyway, just annoucing that so that people will do all the work for me! dance for me my puppets!!! (insert evil laughter)
...yeah. just kidding...don't kill me. anyway, bye! (waves)
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nothing new...
added another pic. its actually colored this time.....amazing.
anyway...huzzah for randomness.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
i'm not really sure why, but i've just been doing lots of random quizzes off the internet. maybe its 'cause i'm too depressed to do anything else. but anyway, i think i'm gonna just randomly post results. i wanna know if its true or not, so... hotsprings turtle and InuChanFan, you guys know me so just comment. and anyone else, your thoughts are appreciated too. anyway, thats my randomness at 2 in the morning.
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Monday, August 8, 2005
i wonder if this is true...
 People see nothing in your eyes. You seem to either be indifferent about everything or are trying to cover up a lot of pain. Your eyes have a cold stare that can make people shiver. Try to show a little more caring, because your hard exterior most likely drives people away. ...stop looking at me like that...stoppit!
What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!)) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
300 visits! yay. major milestone for me.
... (glare)
its the small pleasures in life that count... right?!
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Friday, August 5, 2005
nothing new. i don't know why i'm posting, but i have nothing better to do at the moment. i've been spending my time downloading Bleach, reading random quotes on, and coloring naruto manga. thats right. i've decided (randomly) to see what manga would be like in color, so i've downloaded the first few books (since i have them but i don't have the patience to scan them) and playing around with paint and photoshop(since i don't have anything better). yes...thats how bored i am. its actually kinda fun, so i'm going to try and see if my patience can hold out to do all my favorites. well, anyway, if anyone wants to see the first book of their fav. manga in color, just tell me and i'll try (if i have it).
anyway, time to go agonize over color choices for naruto's orange outfit. bye! (waves)
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
i survived!!! huzzah! party!
i survived my piano lesson! hurray! another week of agonized suffering till my life is tested at another lesson!
well, at least i have time to play video games now. i've been going back and playing all the games i have that i haven't finished due to a horrible attention span or just getting stuck and giving up. and also a friend of mine told me to play Final Fantasy VII, and it has Cloud in it, so i bought it right away.
anyway, i haven't had any time to draw, but soon, hopefully...
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
volleyball practice was actually fun! (gasp)
it was really amazing! our normal (evil) coach didn't show up (after she yelled at us about not telling her when we wouldn't be there) so we had practice just with the assistant coach person. it was so much fun! we actually got to practice things other than digging and running!
anyway, thats my random story.
i'm really stuck on what to draw next. does anyone out there have any suggestions?
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