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• 2005-05-06
• being able to "speak" a dead language (latin). going to...(insert dramatic music) JAPAN!!!! YAY!!! (hops in circles)
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• I was too young to remember...
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• its too hard! too...many...favorites...(holds head)
• to live in Japan,to speak Japanese fluently and to make my own anime/manga!
• watching anime, drawing anime, staring into candles, scaring little children, ect...
• ...being able to stare into space (or candles) for a long period of time, scaring my own family,scaring my friends...
| darklore kaname
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Monday, August 1, 2005
a post about nothing
i'm procrastinating. my piano teacher just got back in town and i should be practicing. oh well.
how are all of you otaku peoples doing?
i just bought Final Fantasy VII, on a recomendation from a friend. so thats what i've been doing...but anyway...
i'm gonna go procrastinate some more. bye! (waves)
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
i figured out the whole link thing. so life's good. (grin)
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requesting assistance...
i finally got the website for the juvenile orion fan club up, but i don't really know how to link a picture to this site. could someone out there help?
thanks a lot!
anyway, i've just been looking at pictures and thinking about japan. the school put lots of cool pics on their website (
i've been having lots of artists block lately...its really annoying.
anyway, just a random post for the hell of it! bye! (waves)
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Friday, July 29, 2005
randomness payed off!
i've decided to try my hand at starting clubs! thanks (a whole bunch) to Queen of Anime, a Juvenile Orion fan club is on its way! and i have ideas for 2 other clubs, but i'm not sure if they're good ideas (or if there already is one). the first one is a fan club for all of the evil people who are a lot cooler than the good guys (just because that tends to be true). and the other one would be for people who want to write/draw manga to get together and talk to get ideas and help with layout and/or plot...ect... (just a random thought)
please tell me what you think! if its a good/bad idea, or if there already is a club like this (and i'm just too stupid to see it). thanks!
anyway...just hanging out with one of my friends that has returned from New York! woo hoo. i have someone to talk to now!
ok...i'm going to go work on my comic now. bye! (waves)
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
i'm really bored today. (what else is new) i've just been playing video games (like i have been for 99.9% of my life) and drawing. i've also noticed that i love to draw wings on people. i don't know why...but...i just do. almost all of my origional pics have wings...
i wonder why...
i had a strange experiance the other day. going to borders to look for immortal rain 6, i found this book that had caught my interest a few times, but i had never looked at it. i think its called Duck Prince (i cant remember) and anyone who knows it would know that the main character transfers to Asahigaoka high school after the freaky accident thingy. was kinda strange...because thats the school i went to on the exchange program. it scared me...
anyway, thats my random story for the day. goodbye fellow otakus! (waves)
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
hee hee
changed my avatar! bleach is awesome!!!!!!!!
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i'm really bored still...
i can't sleep at all...grr...evil jetlag...
i've been doing nothing lately...except wishing i was still in japan...
i've been trying to decide if i should put most of my drawings on here...they're not as good as i would like, but i've got nothing else to do with them. i'm going to go put some on guess i'll just do those two first then see what to do about the others.
i dunno what to post about...but i have no one to talk to so i'm really bored.
anyway...i'm gonna go scan stuff. bye! (waves)
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
I'm so bored!!!
I wanna hang out with my friends...but they're all out of town!!!!! grr!! i drew a pic for the cover of my comic though...
i've started to draw it, so thats a major accomplishment. but...but...(yawn). i don't know what i want to do!!! blah no attention to me. i'm just rambling again.
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Monday, July 25, 2005
responding to the comments...
the flight going to japan wasn't that bad. it was the one coming back...(shudder)
we got up at 6 for a 1 hour flight from Sapporo to Tokyo, then waited 6 hours for our 11 hour flight to Chicago, then missed our flight in Chicago, waited another 6 hours to get on the plane and wait 2 hours on the runway (in the very last seat! the LAST SEAT!!! i couldn't recline it!!! AAUUGH!!!!) for the weather in Atlanta to clear up.
it was horrible. then, they lost our swords. i am never flying United internationally again. (if i can help it)
anyway, just ranting. i have to go to volleyball practice now. (today's the first day)...(sigh) anyway, bye! (waves)
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
im really bored
i cant sleep because of this evil jetlag, so...i'm posting for no apparent reason. (stares at screen). i have lots of art to scan up...but...i haven't had time. and i'm not sure if i like it enough to put up because it was done on the flight to japan where the little kid was kicking my chair and the pilots were turning the flight into a roller-coaster. and i had no idea what the character's outfits looked like anyway. (shrugs) anyway...this is just for i'm looking for a manga called Loveless. i saw it in Japan and wanted to know if you could get it in america. the pictures looked really cool, but i have no idea what the story is like, aside from the fact that a lot of the characters have animal ears. no attention to my randomness. bye! (waves)
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