darklore kaname
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Friday, December 9, 2005
I laughed, I cried, i studied Dante's The Comedy
I swear I just came from the funniest english class I have ever had. We were talking about euphamisms (however you spell it) and started coming up with these random things. for example, our english teacher was telling us about how her family (very southern) wouldn't let her say fart, so we were listing all the euphamisms randomly. she had the normal ones (passing gas, ect), but our class (mostly boys, by the way) came up with "Anal emission." which was probably the funniest thing i have ever heard. then came the word "poop" as she said it (it was funny, she wouldn't say it out loud and it took forever to get her to write it on the board) and her family said "boo-boo". immediatly the image of a little kid with a skinned knee saying "will you kiss my boo-boo?" came to all of our heads and we cracked up. and apparently her family used the word "hockey" too. which makes absolutly no sense. "I have to go take a hockey." what the hell?
anyway, we have fun times in that class. I don't remember posting this, so i will now. one day, during an in-class essay/test/...thing our english teacher got up to yell at the people outside the classroom (who were being annoying and loud like usual) and as she opened the door she said "Man! What is wrong with this school at the end of the day!?" (I have english last, by the way). and my friend (bunny in a blender) barely looked up and said "The meds wear off." with almost no expression on her face.after a few seconds of complete silence, our teacher poked her head back in the classroom and said "What!?"
The rest of us cracked up, because it happens to be true. half of the kids at my school are taking medicine for ADD/ADHD, and the others are taking medicine for depression.
anyway, random funniness of the moment.
I finally got my naruto dvds!!!!! *jumps in circles screaming*
now if only I could see the time skip thingy.... *sighs* fillers are evil. Now if only I could get my bleach dvds, then life would be fun.
anyway, I gotta go now. gotta finish a roleplay post and check email before my mom picks me up and we go have a naruto-watching marathon.
see you later! *waves*
~the winged darklore
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
we have the coolest art teacher ever!
ok, aside from the fact that Mrs. Dersch has guns, a skeleton, year-old cupcakes, year-old cake, year-old sprayed doughnuts, chains, random beer bottles, and a giant plaster turtle in her closet, she is the coolest art teacher ever!!!
perhaps I should explain.
around 5-7-ish years ago, she had her students choose one of the seven deadly sins to paint a portrait of. Well, she changed bunches of stuff with the schedual, so she let our class do this old project. its so awesome! I chose Envy. Its kinda funny, 'cause when she told us about this, the first thing that came to my mind was FullMetal Alchemist. I wish I could actually paint Envy. that would be so awesome... but she said we had to make the characters up ourselves. anyway, i think mine will take ages to finish. i had 1.5 hours of painting yesterday and i only finished half of his face. *sighs*
oh well. anyway, we've started reading Dante's The Comedy in English. I think its funny that other people call it The Divine Comedy.
anyway, gotta go now. see you all later! *waves*
~the winged darklore
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
ah.. tuesday.
I love tuesdays. 1.5 hours of math, band, and art. meaning, nothing important! well, except art. but band I'm guarenteeded a E (or in normal standards, an A) 'cause the teacher doesn't want me to leave. ^-^
math is just plain easy. i usually doodle during math, so its like 3 hours of art! yay!
anyway, I have to go bank all my stuff on the mmorpgs before i go to class. see you later! *waves*
~the winged darklore
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Monday, December 5, 2005
havent updated in a while.
yeah...things have been weird at home. my dad's girlfriend (my parents are divorced, for those of you who don't know) has been complaining about how i'm always first in my dad's life. so....its been awkward. and I can't talk to mom about it because she doesn't know. and with her reactions, who knows how she'll take it.
but to make things worse, i had a really strange dream yesterday. I think I may have a crush on one of my friends, but I don't know how to say it.
man. I hate mondays.
anyway, gotta go to class.
see ya later. *waves*
~the winged darklore
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
nothing new today.
wednesdays are evil. i have all my hard classes. grr. anyway, we had the celebration for my school's founder's 85th birthday today. its really cool that he's 85 and still coming to work every day. huzzah for mr galloway! anywhoo... i'm gonna go play around on photoshop some more. see yas later! *waves*
~the winged darklore
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
i have noticed gb signings dissappearing lately. are people just deleting their accounts? or do they just not like me.... hm..
well, i gotta go to math now. why do i have math first period!? every year... its kinda creepy.
see yas later! *waves*
~the winged darklore
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Monday, November 28, 2005
my computer is back from the dead! huzzah!
i have fixed the virus! well, actually, i yelled at my computer for an hour, downloaded all the new program thingys, then changed lots of random things and restarted it thousands of times. but thats completley besides the point.
anyway, i'm almost completely done with my rp site! yay! i really need people to help/join...
please? *stares at the ground* i really hate to beg.......
well, if you like role-play, let me know.
anywhoooo.... *looks around* i gotta go do homework. see yas around! *waves*
~the winged darklore
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Sunday, November 27, 2005

I AM SO CONFUZZELED!!!! got this from a friend on crimson moon. i'm pretty skeptical, but.... *twitches*...
AAA!!! run away! *runs in circles* my brain hurts........
will someone help me out here!?
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for some reason, comments aren't showing up anymore. it says i have 2, and i know i put one of them, but for some reason every time i click on it it says "There are currently no comments available." and nothing comes up. but i put one! grr. my computers being evil. its not only myotaku too. hmm. has this happened to anyone else? 'cause i'm really mad and confuzzeled that i can't even read stuff on forums. *pouts* well, if anyone knows what to do, please let me know.
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heh. i'm such an evil person.

For all of you who don't know, this is from 666 Satan. I read the first chapter the other day. dunno if i really like it that much. anyway, Felt it worked.
anywhoo. nothing new. I'm bored. what else is new.
i guess i'll see yas later then! *waves*
~the winged darklore
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