darklore kaname
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy thanksgiving!
I'm here at my aunts house in north carolina. its pretty cold. there are the two cutest dogs here too! anyway, nothing else going on. I finally got my negima dvds, but i only had the chance to watch the first episode. does anyone know why asuna (the main girl, whatever her name is) has two different colored eyes? am i just stupid and never saw that in the manga? hm.
anyway, gotta go. see yas later! *waves*
~the winged darklore
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Monday, November 21, 2005
haha. randomness
well, i've been doing nothing lately. scanned some cool naruto pics to make into renders. i really need to start drawing again. *sigh*
well, i noticed no one commented on my last post. i could really use an opinion. please? pretty please!?
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
lalala. random update
I've been playing around in photoshop lately. my new introduction is part of my randomness. i joined a cool forum thingy and got that cool sheena render. what do you think? since my computer resolution is pretty weird, it looks smaller to me, so if its too big, someone let me know.
anywhoooo..... i'm getting really tired of the name darklore kaname. I may remake a site with the name Tanuki Bandit. I dunno. my normal indicisiveness.
anyway, I gotta go finish my latin project. see yas later!
~the winged darklore
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
such a great school day.
well, as most of you know, my school had its "community" service on teusday, so they messed up the schedual (my week is monday, thursday, wednesday, tuesday, friday.) so today I had a tuesday block schedual, meaning i only had math (which is really easy anyway), band, and art. well, math went normally. then I went to band, and since the band was splitting up so people could work on their auditions for the Solo and Ensamble (however you spell it) Festival. being one of the keyboardists...ists...ists.... (whatever) i didn't have to do anything (pianos can't go) my teacher let me go to the computer lab and do random stuff. so, here I was, in the computer lab, with 3 hours (2nd class + lunch) with a computer and internet. ^-^
so anywhoo... i started playing around on Crimson Moon, and decided to enter a tournament in the game. i got waaaay too into it. 'course, i was in the top five for the first three hours. but I sat at that computer, competing all through "band" and lunch. needless to say, i didn't eat lunch. *sigh*
well, yeah. i checked the standings after school and i'm still in the top five. wow. anyway, gotta go try and hold my spot.
see yas around! *waves*
~the winged darklore
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
what a week.
arg. just came from a piano lesson. to put it simply, i tripped and fell on my face. crash and burn. absolutly horrible. now i'm just sitting here waiting for the inevitable call from my dad "you didn't practice again!" *sigh*
luckly some dvds came in the mail today. cirque du soleil!!!! yay! cirque du soleil is one of the few things in life that actually makes me feel emotions still. the people who are involved with cirque are absolute geniuses (spelling?)!!! Guy Laliberte is my hero! Along with John. John is the coolest guy I have ever seen on a stage. i just watched the documentary on KA, the 4th show in las vegas, with my mom. I saw KA, but she got sick and couldn't go (food poisoning, but if it was me I would go anyway. cirque means too much to me to miss it because i can't stop throwing up.) it was INCREDIBLE!!!! i absolutly love cirque...... *stares off into space* there's so much asian influence in their last shows too! I have all of the music except for the early ones. anyway, back on track (there was one?). if anyone out there likes athletic and artistic shows, cirque is for you.
anyway, i got the series Solstrum (its cirque) and I can't wait to watch it! i've got lots of homework tonight though....poo.
I have this really annoying nagging feeling that there was something I wanted to rant about, but I forget.
well, I've gotta go. enjoy the KA background (if it shows up)
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i'm in latin!
I'm in latin being really bored after the stupid service project that our school does. not that service projects are stupid, but we go and clean up a park that is rich enough to hire people 10 times better than a bunch of high school kids. why can't we actually help the community for our community project?!
anywhoo... nothing really new. i'm really annoyed that naruto, bleach, and the negima dvds i got the other day haven't come yet. for that matter, where are those cirque du soleil dvds!? grr.
anywhoo... gotta go to world history. with one of the coolest teachers ever. anyone who makes fun of the students is cool in my book.
see yas! (waves)
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Monday, November 14, 2005
i have such a weird mind.
sitting in chemistry today, barely listening to my teacher talking in his monotone voice about state changes, my mind began to wander. for some reason, i started thinking about InuYasha, and about all the fanfics/fanart with kagome/inuyasha with children. (one comes to mind of kagome holding little kids with the puppy ears). that bothers me. not the fact that they would have kids, its just that they CAN'T!!! its biologically impossible!!!! InuYasha is a half-demon, so he was born of 2 different species!!! that means he can't reproduce!!!! think of poor mules for gods sake!!!!
anywhoo...that was the debate i was having in my mind during chemistry. I have to go to latin now.
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(sigh) I need a life.
heres a little thing i did in about....10 minutes. I will make it a comic! (beats self over head) i really want to. i just don't ever get stuff done. (sigh) anywhoo...heres the pic.

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Sunday, November 13, 2005
ok. i am now really depressed.
just went to InuChanFan's site. and now i'm really depressed. she's leaving!!! (sob)
... not myotaku, our school.
anywhoo.... its been a really depressing week. first my principal dies, who had been with me and helped me through my parents divorce when i was 5-6 (whatever age) and still said hi to me everyday when i was in 8th grade....then one of my best friends leaves, who i've known (and been great friends with)since i was in...what....kindergarden? i mean, it was one of the coolest things ever when i show up for the first day of 9th grade and she's in my first class (she left for a few years-moved to florida, i think). and now she's leaving again....
(stares at the ceiling).
I'm just glad that she begged her parents to let her stay beyond christmas....
anywhoo....i'm gonna go try to finish my homework now.
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MY IPOD IS BACK FROM THE DEAD!!!! (chorus of angels singing)
I HAVE MUSIC ONCE AGAIN!!!!! (jumps in circles) YAYAYAYAY!!!!
I am so glad my music addiction won't kill me now! (jumps in circles and runs into wall)
i am in a really weird mood right now. i just finished drawing a character from my instantly made up comic. its really weird. i was playing around on photoshop and drew this freaky-looking chibi-ish...thing. immediatly a story popped into my head. it's about this computer freak who thinks that these demons are trying to take over earth from another demension through.... (dramatic pause)... internet gaming! (da da daaaaaaaaahhh)
yep. you read that right. after eating dinner i came up with all these other ideas too. like how this semi-normal kid moves next door and his little sister joins the cult that the creepy internet/demon guy makes. and how their parents make them spend time together.
my own mind is begining to scare me.
anyway, any thoughts on this?
I might actually draw a small comic since i kinda like the idea.
anywhoo...see yas later then!( waves)
~the winged darklore
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