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being able to "speak" a dead language (latin). going to...(insert dramatic music) JAPAN!!!! YAY!!! (hops in circles)
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I was too young to remember...
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its too hard! too...many...favorites...(holds head)
to live in Japan,to speak Japanese fluently and to make my own anime/manga!
watching anime, drawing anime, staring into candles, scaring little children, ect...
...being able to stare into space (or candles) for a long period of time, scaring my own family,scaring my friends...
| darklore kaname
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
nothing new. lots of homework i should be doing. yet i'm in the computer lab doing nothing and feeling really depressed. my mom has been feeling really bad because she hit her head really hard on a concrete ceiling (at the volleyball game, actually) and she's been really dizzy and throwing up... and it makes me feel really bad because i'm going to michigan tomorrow (against my will) and she's in one of her depressed moods where if i'm not there with her its my fault. so here i am at school, waiting for a phone call that will tell me what house i'm going to. anyway, i've got to go procrastinate some more.
oh, before i forget, go by InuChanFan's site and say hi, because her brother's in the hospital now and she's been in a really nervous/bad mood all day.
anyway, see ya later? if i update before i go to michigan.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
i'm in the computer lab at school. playing with the teacher's two dogs! they're so cute!!!
anyway, they're too cute to ignore, so i'm going to go play fetch now. i'll update later.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
lalala.. sleep makes me more sleepy
i actually slept for more than 3 hours yesterday. and it makes me feel reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaally tired.
but we won our last volleyball game!!! (jumps in circles) its fun! it was really fun because we have a senior on our jv team (strange i know, but the varsity coach doesnt like her) and this would be her last game. ever. which was sad. but we won!! so everyone was happy and the coach treated us to pizza. yay for pizza.
anyway, nothing else is that new. i've almost finished the first 2 pages of my manga. i dunno whether i should upload them here or not.... (thinks) if anyone wants to see them/proofread them for me, just pm me.
anyway, gotta go to math class. (why do i have math first!?!?!)
bye! (waves)
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Monday, October 17, 2005
another all nighter
yep. stayed up all night 2 days in a row. and i have a volleyball game today. and it just took me three tries to type that sentence.
anyway, i've been doing nothing but homework lately. and downloading stuff for photoshop for game design club. i'm gonna use it to make a welcome sign for my site.
anyway, gotta go to class.
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
all nighter! woo hoo....
well, i've now officially been playing Crimson Moon for 12 hours now.
No, i'm not obsessed. whatever gives you that idea?
anyway, i'm not in a very good mood right now because i had typed this post out earlier, but my internet screwed up so the whole thing was erased. and i've completely forgot everything that i said. the only think i remember is that it was very very long.
anyway, it is now 5 in the morning. i'm really hungry. hmm.. i wonder why... anyway, about my past few days. friday we had our last volleyball practice. which turned out to be really depressing 'cause our coach couldn't make it and we had to practice with the coach from hell. (insert creepy dramatic music) anyway, she kicked us out 45 minutes early, which was depressing 'cause we have a game monday. we need to practice!!!
(warning: sudden topic shift)
saturday i had to help out at the "dunk the coaches" booth. which turn out very dissapointing because they switched the "dunk booth" thingy with this sad contraption called the "power shower". it just sprays the people. you don't get the satisfaction of watching your hated coach plunge into a freezing tub of recycled water. (pouts)
I also had to play in the bands. i say bands because i'm in the steel drum band and the normal band. its fun playing the steel drums. but its really annoying when no one else can read the music.
wow, i feel really tired. i feel stupid.
i think i've reached that "so tired you're high" stage.
(spins in circles)
anyway, i'm having lots of fun playing crimson moon. if anyone here plays or wants to play, let me know. anyway, i'm going to go kill more people now.
(walks off laughing maniacly)
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
tests are evil
just got out of the psat. and now i have 4 hours with nothing to do 'till volleyball. why do we have volleyball on a test day?!?! its not fair! half the people on my team aren't showing up anyway.
anyway, i'm completely distracted by a fun game. i'm going to go play now...
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
(yawn) nothing to do...
nothing going on lately. i've been really bored and wishing it was january (the japanese exchange students come jan 4th! yay)
anyway, don't have school tomorrow! yay. i think i'll spend the entire day listening to bleach music and playing around on narutorealm. yay.
anyway....lots of anyways. well, i'm gonna go now, i guess. the background should be working now...
see ya (waves)
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
i hate how the background doesn't show up on my computer. does it show up on anyone elses?
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arg. sicknieness sucks
its early, and i'm at school, and i'm sick, and i have so much to do...arg!!!
i gotta go soon, but i just wanted to ask if anyone sees my new background. 'cause it doesn't show up on mine. and i have lots of new drawings to scan (mostly of a puppy-boy that i made up) so maybe i'll do that later.
anyway, gotta go die during science! woo hoo. (waves)...(sneezes)
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beware the second coming of jesus!!!
this just made my week.

go here to see the full story.
and I apologize if this offends anyone. I am not very religious. please don't smite me.
{lightning bolt burns d.kaname to a crisp}
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