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3rd year student at T.A.Blakelock high school, Cook in The Longos Kitchen
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Beat RE4 31 times, Got 84,456 point in mercenaries, Have more than 300 manga ^^, Saw MCR live twice, and got 97% in maths
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Get a million points in RE4 mercenaries. Meet MCR [I will I know it]
gaming, drawing, painting, writing, reading, listening to music[Music is life]
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
Started playing RE4 again
I started playing RE4 again...beat it for the secound time and playing again its that fun... i could only get a five star rating once in mercinaries(you unlock this after you beat the game once i beat the game last year and been playing this untill i played the actual game again a few days ago) but thats as krauser(krauser to some may be creepy but i think he kicks ass...same with the merchant yeah!)... and he's easy to be lol 4 stars with wesker mostly and only 3 stars with leon...and i dont be ada or that hunk guy(hunk's his name...i bet hes ugly lol) well anyways...haha...yeah i was bored...(more at bottom...)  haha i like the omg boom one lol...and i made these in my spare time don't ask why the writings pink... just think leon speaking in a fairly squiky voice lol he's too much of a pretty boy lol |
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
random story to do with a flash i have made with me siblings...
ROFL this is random, this was a flash me and my siblings made....currently in process ep one almost done(only writing scene one and two >_<)-------------------->
(scene one)
One day naruto and his friends were running to find kakashi, they kept running when they saw him and lept towards him
naruto: KAKASHI SENSEI!!!!!!!!!
kakashi: well you startled me!
*All of them scream one at a time, except for Iruka who sniffs it because well anything from kakashi is good to him sasuke leaning on a tre says mmmmmmm it a creepy way 0_o*
*naruto laughs when he farts accidentaly*
kakashi: hah that was a wet one!, time to tinkle(i know don't ask my brothers idea....-_-)
*silence him peeing*
*sasuke stands up*
sasuke:you're peeing in public you know?
kakashi:you know you like it
sasuke: what no!'d you know?
kakashi: you just told me and SHARINGAN*kakashi says while revealing his sharingan*
(scene two)
*iruka sitting at his desk reading kakashi's diary*
*iruka is thinking this*
iruka: hmmm turning the page
iruka:kakashi love's karenai!!!!!!
*kakashi appears out of no where*
kakashi:hey iruka what you doing?
*iruka gasps again*
kakashi:hey iruka have you seen my dairy?
*iruka standing there in silence thinking*
Kakashi: so have you seen my diary?
iruka:yes!! i mean no no!
*in irukas mind*
iruka:now i shall kill karenai! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha, hah, hah, ha!!
kakashi: oh and one more thing...who ever ha my diary wil get an ASS LOAD OG THIS YALL!!!!*does chidori*
iruka: really? ;) <3
*flashes to next scene*
well thats only the begging its so much funnier if you hear my brothers voices. He has ton of them, my favorite is the one he does for kakashi XD!!! it's hillarious! he sounds like hes hitting puberty and has some thing stuck up his ass lol.
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Cold, boring day...
Today is thursday and like any week day i would go to school, but no today there is no school. It was a crazy amount of freezing rain and now im stuck here with nuttin to do. Im gonna get really boured sitting here with no means of entertainment.(i watched the recent epi of bleach now no eps to watch). Well i could play videogames... nope none that will interest me till the 7th. Yup i'll just go draw... |
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
Dumb old me.
If you take me anywhere to do with anime or manga of anykind I spend like crazy! My friend took me to a hobbie shop full of anime stuff and i spent $45 on a naruto figure. Why did I do that its just a toy but its naruto and i love it! It sits on my shelf never to be touched untill... I came back from getting a snack and my brother removed him from the box!!!! I screamed and my mom yelled at me for screaming about such a dumb thing. I became very sad but now that hes out of the box I decided to bring him to school and now he sits on the top shelve. |
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