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3rd year student at T.A.Blakelock high school, Cook in The Longos Kitchen
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Beat RE4 31 times, Got 84,456 point in mercenaries, Have more than 300 manga ^^, Saw MCR live twice, and got 97% in maths
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Get a million points in RE4 mercenaries. Meet MCR [I will I know it]
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Thursday, August 16, 2007
Yeah Everyone I changed the site around. The theme now features art from this comic called Were against you. So all art is not done by me. I have to edit the banner to have a copyright so bear with me. Plain one was for a test. yes.
yeah thats basically all I wanted to say except that oh my god I get to see MCR again on TUESDAY!!! ahhhhhhhhh *EXPLODES*
yeah sorry I'm just wayyyyy too excited. I'm just so happy I can see them again ;_; argh.
well I hope everyone will have a nice weekend. I hope I do too. If I can live through it waiting for tuesday <_< ahhhhhh
ok.. ahem well,
EDIT: I decided to change the video too~ Hell yeah Mötley Crüe! xD lol It's kick start my heart btw. |
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
oh my~
I finally updated my favorite band list ha ha I just realized its very large. I just cut and pasted names from itunes. woot!
ha ha ah I haven't updated all weekend have I lol I spent the whole weekend with a friend. It was a lot of fun. The first day we went to a pool party (I didn't fit in right away so X_X yeah it was maybe semi enjoyable) then on the second day we just hung out at my place. Had a pillow fight with my brother we totally owned him ha ha Then we played Resident evil 4 (still my number one fav game) and went to chapters. It was very tiring but I was glad I could spend time with her. I was all sad when she had to go back to Hamilton ha ha
I actually went back to chapters again today. Didn't get anything though. I took a personality test in this book and I'm Micheal from The Office lmao.. yeah waste an hour and a half in a book store, fun~ ^_^
7 days people! Yup get to see MCR in 7 days!!! *FANGASM* xDDDDDDDDDDD
ha ha yes. Get 100 to spend and my sister gets 100 too. ohohoho. Ok so second stage is all standing so is like standing really hurtful? (this question for anyone who has been in standing/pit/mosh at a concert) Never been in standing before so I want to be prepared for a beating ^_^;; |
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Friday, August 10, 2007
hmm Shopping was pretty good. Got a new studded belt to go with my skinny jeans and a MCR hat. Yeah because I didn't have a hat and I wanted it. My mom bought me this MCR flag she found ha ha I was like OMFG! ha ha xD
Yeah so it was fun to get out of the house. If only I could more often..
and omg This picture. My new favorite picture in the world it's just so fucking sexy X_X
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
Thanks for commenting on my avatars. I'm glad you all liked them. Well not all of you. Yeah whatever.
So hows my life been? Boring. =_= My head hurts and I feel tired all the time. I don't go anywhere. Well I'm going shopping tomorrow. Finally get out of this place.
None of my friends have talked to me. They talk amongst themselves yeah but um I'm not included am I?.. oh I am forgotten. Whatever I don't give a shit anymore. If I cared less about things I wouldn't feel so shitty now would I?
Well At least Projekt revolution is coming up. 12 day to be exact. Theres another time I'll be out of the house. At least then will be enjoyable. Getting to see MCR again *is overy happy at that thought*
hmm. I wonder... I read my book again today. You know the one I write all my thoughts into when ever I'm in a mood. Its very interesting. I wonder if I could ever reveal the real me to people. The person who could say those things to people faces. Their reactions would probably be priceless. hah ( maybe I should post them sometime.. would you like to see them?)
yes well I don't think I should really tell people those thoughts or dwell on them really. Well I think I should go to bed.. I'm starting to sound crazy.
Cheers |
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Hey everyone
Yeah I'm bored out of my mind so I decided to post... something.
Do ever feel like your forgotten for some reason I have that feeling. Eh it'll pass.
Oh um in my bordem I made some avatars. These avatars use pictures from a online comic called were against you or W.A.Y for short. Oh did something click there in your mind? yeah its about Mikey and Gerard. It's random and really funny. Well really funny to my chem fans really. You won't get it that much if you aren't a fan.
There are 6 Gerard and 1 Gerard and Mikey. I was going to make more Mikey ones butt~ yeah I didn't seem to have the desire to weird. Maybe It's because I don't like Mikey that much. I dunno he always seemed boring to me eh whatever here you go.
Comments are appreciated. And hmm yes you can use them if you like just credit alright-y.~
woo that took a lot of effort lol
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Monday, August 6, 2007
Hey everybody! I'm back.
It was... Tiring. lol
I basically went shopping a lot and we ate out a lot. I went to this place called Le Ronde. French Much Music had Viva La Bam so I watched that all the time haha xD French music amused me. On the Saturday that channel just played like sum 41 the whole day. It got very annoying =_=;;
My sister came in second for soccer~
Oh yeah and I just realized I didn't ever put pretty handsome awkward on here. I was but... Oh forget it I'm tired people I'm going to go nap or something haha
P.S There was also this long ass bridge we went across and I was like freaking out the whole time. Damn bridges. It was really high too. 0_o |
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Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Wow I haven't posted in a while have I.
Well I'm done summer school officially ended yesterday lol The exam was a piece of cake. Deliciously easy. So I got my credit now very happy about that. After I was done went and Rented 300. Again was an awesome movie. I will buy later~
I find it funny I decide to post now because I'm leaving tomorrow anyway. Going to Montreal. Going to do a lot of shopping haha Well Actually as I type this I'm really supposed to be packing. The thing is I need a shower too oh well.
so yeah. I feel like I haven't been on in forever and now I'm going to be gone for a week just lovely...
haha well hope you all have a good week then see you on Tuesday~
Cheers |
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Sunday, July 22, 2007
Hey guys changed the theme. It's back to good ol' Gee rad. LOL
Yeah probably next theme will be the whole band. :p
Also if your wondering the new video I have featured is nothing special by Ill Scarlett. I saw the video and fell in love with the song. I saw these guys live at the water front ^_^ they aren't bad haha They were also on the small stage went I went to see Billy talent and Alexisonfire. They seem to be stalking me haha jokes.
well then hope you all had a fine day. I wasted the whole day in my room reading Harry potter. My dad saw me come down for food and was like "OH MY GOD she's alive!" haha yes..
well I have to go to bed now seeing as now I'll only get at least 5-6 hours of sleep now oh well.
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Friday, July 20, 2007
I think my absence has caused people not to come comment me lmao oh well.
hello everyone. One more week left and summer school is over!
Then I have vacation though oh well. ^_^
I'm going to Montreal for like a week. It's going to be fun. I'm going to buy many thing xD even though my mom is forcing me to get a job after this D: oh jeez.
Oh tomorrow morning my copy of Harry Potter and the deathly hollows is coming to my door :p
The chick that tormented me in math class is at summer school...
She noticed me and now she knows I'm there! MOTHER FU- what ever...
haha I think Johnathan jinxed me when he told me he was glad she wasn't at summer school. Jesus Johnathan you shouldn't have said anything she's here now for the two week D:... DX god.
Cheers people~ |
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
My eyelashes aren't growing back this time... I guess after five years I've killed the roots.
Oh well...
In other news. Finished the mid term for summer school today. Only two more weeks to go.
And 35 days till I can see MCR live again xD
Right behind the pit this time :p the pits only 1000 capacity so it's really small. I love outdoor arenas haha
And um I lost 6 pounds in two weeks D: I'm getting sick its scary. It's because I can only make supper everyday now. It's becoming a habit. I don't want to become anorexic over that D;
so yeah. Almost done summer school xD |
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