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3rd year student at T.A.Blakelock high school, Cook in The Longos Kitchen
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Beat RE4 31 times, Got 84,456 point in mercenaries, Have more than 300 manga ^^, Saw MCR live twice, and got 97% in maths
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Get a million points in RE4 mercenaries. Meet MCR [I will I know it]
gaming, drawing, painting, writing, reading, listening to music[Music is life]
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Monday, June 25, 2007
Ok didn't get to drawing that chibi picture lol I will though you can count on that.
I didn't do anything today! I woke up at two and just watched TV the whole time! And saw the worst video ever. It was Avril lavigne's remix of *shudders* girlfriend. It was just... really really REALLY BAD. Like I was in tears it was so bad. No seriously I cried from having to watch it. My sister didn't change the channel.
My god all I ate today was chips. I think I'm probably going to die really slowly this way. I need to eat man! >.<
Well today they have a born to be about My chemical romance so yeah I'm watching it! And the video on trial that has I don't love you on it. I just knew they would get their hands on that. I want to see what they say about it haha
well I'm going to go look for food now and hide in my cave (my room).
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Sunday, June 24, 2007
Currently: Making avatars
Music: Let it Die- Three Days Grace
Hey everyone!
Today was ok. I went shopping xD I got a pair of capris, 3 shirts, sandals, a tank top and a CD. My sandals have little skulls on them haha I lovers them.
Oh yeah and I made an avatar today :0 It's of Jeph he's a fun subject haha:

If you can't see I put like a little dragon on it xD You probably can't see it though D: oh wells haha
I'm still really bored and my back is starting to hurt D:
my friend gave me this custom card it says DEAD! on the front xD it's awesome!
I want to draw more chibi MCR haha I have a Gerard I need Frank, Ray, Bob, and Mikey right! :D
well yeah thats all I randomly had to say.
-hugs- |
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Saturday, June 23, 2007
Yess Today was pretty boring but not really haha My friend Marlo came over. (Yes I have at least one friend haha) We watched random videos and played video games, Mario party and Pokemon FTW!! We wanted to play Katamari damachy but I couldn't find my PS2 I believed my brother took it to my grandparents house. It wasn't till after she left that I found it in a bag at the front door D:
Oh well it was a fun time she was writing letters to her pen pals and I drew on the back of one of the envelopes:

XD Yes some unfortunate person Is getting a mini Gerard.
Now I'm on my own again. Chicken wings are cooking at the moment 6 minutes till food xD
oh my summer is pretty crappy still though~ bwaahh
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Friday, June 22, 2007
Haha I changed the theme. Yes I decided to have something OTHER than MCR. I've had that for like ever~ Next theme will go back to that though!
It's Jeph because he's awesome. EDIT: LOL for everyone who doesn't know he's the bassist from The Used.
Ergh I just can't come up with the right color scheme though. It's blue for now :0
EDIT: meh red... =_=
Oh that exam was so stressful! But I'm so happy that my summer can officially start! xD and it ends once its July 4th... :( Summer school is a drag man.
21 days till Billy Talent and alexisonfire oh em gees I need to take pictures this time haha I'm sneaking into the tour bus area jeez I need to poke Ben so badly...I sound like such a giddy fan girl~
So what should I do? I have nothing to do now... |
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
well than....
Currently: Eating, wasting precious paint time.
Music: Paralyzed- The Used
I slept in late today. The first thing I had to do was paint. I have a painting I still have to do to hand in for Friday. When I go for my math exam which I haven't got any studying done for! How Do I expect to beat my score if I haven't studied! So stressful T_T
Sooo I'm thinking of changing my theme. But to what I don't know. Right now It's teenagers theme. :/ I'm debating about the next one because I made new avatars and I want to use one of them. One is of Frank Iero its like all colorized and his eyes are green and pretty looking haha and the other is of Jeph Howard from The Used. I really like that one too :0. I dunno It depends on the video I decide to put on here next haha. I'd have to make a new banner too =_=
Well I really need to finish painting and cramming math in my mind >.< so yeah,
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Well apparently the video can be played again... Thats so confusing :/ ha ah
Today was my last day of school ^_^ I finished the painting :D But you can't see it till Friday...
Well thanks for the suggestions anyways guys! I'll keep them in mind when I want to change my theme.
Well Summer should hopefully be really easy going. Unless easy going means a whole month of constant science. Yeah summer school it sucks.
I have my one and only exam on Friday! Wish me luck, I want to beat my score for the math exam last year. I got 96 and I want to get more than that! ha ha It will probably be impossible but hopefully I will *crosses fingers*
My mom is almost done my sisters room so my room should be done afterwards! :D thank god.
So now that I have nothing else to do but study...expect me to be on here a lot more :D ha ha Thats a lot of these faces in this post :D.
CHEERS then. |
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
oh noes!!!!
HEY! Ok everyone I'm sad they didn't allow me to put the video on my site anymore. So, I need to find a new one... =_= *mourns the loss of teenagers video*
OK well I got my yearbook today! :D haha And my courses for next year.
First semester I have: Art, Media studies, com tech, and media art. Fucking easy semester there man!!
Oh but second... American history, applied art, math, and English. Three tough exams for next year D: I'm doomed!! Oh well sounds like a pretty awesome year ^_^ Besides the fact I will no longer have a core group of friends. Truthfully I think it's better for my mental health. I was very stressed this year with those guys always on me about nothing. Meh.
So seeing as I need to put on a new video how about some suggestions? here are the requirement; It must be a music video and must be by someone in my favorite music artists list. So can't wait for suggestions ^_^
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Sunday, June 17, 2007
Today is fathers day and it's not even special. All that happened today was my sister complaining and making everyone miserable. Sometimes I wish she would stop being so selfish.
Besides from that I'm still working on my painting. I don't know if I'll finish it in time. I'll see. I don't like it so far. The paints to thin is all have to go over it a few more times.
My room still isn't done because Jackie's room has to be done first, she's always first for everything. Yesterday I went out to get clothes and Jackie just goes I want clothes too! When she has TOO MANY clothes. God she's can be so frustrating sometimes. You know I have no clothes! I was lucky I could get my mom to take me to get any clothes! She hardly takes me anywhere. Oh well... I got a bunch of summer clothes and found a cool new store at the mall.
I also bought two new CD's The used "lies for the liars" and Linken Park "Minutes to midnight" The used new CD is pretty awesome. I like Linken parks too my fav song is Bleed it out.
Well Hopefully tomorrow will be less stressful. I get out of school on Wednesday then its exams... I hope summer will at least be fun.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say, I never want to let you down or have you go
MSN is all better. Yeah the restart of my computer did the fix. Now I hating the fact I made a huge deal out of it ohh boy.
As you can see I'm listening to I'm not Okay as I'm writing this. Yeah it's my fav song and all so...
I didn't talk to my friends all day. So I feel relieved sort of. They didn't bother to see what was wrong with me so I guess they really aren't my friends are they hah. I don't know if this is helping me though. Like I feel lonely right? But for some reason I feel really comfortable when I am alone. It's really messed up you know.
I stayed after school to finish drawing on my canvas so sorry guys no artwork to show. I know I promised but yeah. Had to take the bus too. So many old people. So far I've drawn Frank and the game controller on the canvas. Thats only like one corner.
After I deleted all those people on MSN my online list now consists of two people. Thats a whole lot of strange there. Marlo and some other chick that had a long convo with me about MCR. My one friend introduced her before he blocked me. How special.
Well I'm going to continue boring myself and probably you now. I'm eating a cheese burger. Two of them. I've finished one and one still has a corner left. I shall finish these burgers because I'm such a fatty lool (Anyone who has me on Myspace will know I am NOT a fatty xD) I ate ramen before this too wow I'm just totally pigging out here.
Well I hope everyone had a lovely day. Mine was alright it can always be better.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
My MSN deserves some major pimp slappage.
My MSN is being a fucking BITCH.
It says I'm online to everyone else I'm not. Could someone help me? The things I've done so far is repair the version I had. That didn't work. Next I downloaded the next version. That didn't work. So I'm going to try restarting my computer next. I don't know If it will work but In all honesty I really fucking hope It does.
I'm craving some CD shopping. Yes, I want to shop for some CD's. I haven't In a month or two.
My mother has still not finished my room. All my posters are bunched up in a roll in the corner of my room. I have a lot too. I really want it to get finished so I can put them back up you know. How hard is it to paint a light blue room dark blue? Not that hard. Put the next layer on damn it! argh! Ahhh I'm complaining too much.
Only one of my friends are talking to me on MSN right now. At least they answer when I ask " Do I appear offline?" I think it's time for some crazy deleting. I've already narrowed my contact list from around 60 to 27. I'm waiting Till I delete the next batch. If people continue to not talk to me they're being deleted. Usually I would keep people on there to make it seem like I had tons of friends but I just now realized I don't. It's kinda depressing actually. Oh well.
I'm going to start painting my art summative tomorrow. I added on the other images. I would scan the page but I'm tracing it on a over head. So wait till Tomorrow to see the full sketch. Painted version like next week. Yeah you heard me I'm answering one of your demands for more artwork. I don't have one to show you today but At least theres some tomorrow.
Well nothing to do now I'm waiting for my MSN to go back to normal. Thats going to take a while though so I'm probably going to watch some anime or something. :/
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