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3rd year student at T.A.Blakelock high school, Cook in The Longos Kitchen
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Beat RE4 31 times, Got 84,456 point in mercenaries, Have more than 300 manga ^^, Saw MCR live twice, and got 97% in maths
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(See proflie)
Get a million points in RE4 mercenaries. Meet MCR [I will I know it]
gaming, drawing, painting, writing, reading, listening to music[Music is life]
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Monday, June 11, 2007
My computer Is running awfully slow today. I think it's just being a dirty whore. *pimp slaps*
Today was another boring day. =_= Jeez it's getting worse damn it. I spent half and hour in art class drawing this:(yes I didn't include his tattoos blarg)
This is for a summative art project. I'm going to paint that along with a bunch of other things. Yeah... Tell me what you think hehe.
My computer is still being a dirty whore and it better let you see my drawing >_<
If not it's this link
yeah cheers~
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
Ok I was going to write something again today. But theres nothing very special about today.
so here's something you can do answer theeeee following questions!!!
what if...
1.I committed suicide:
2.I said I like you
(for opposite gender):
3.I kissed you
(for opposite gender):
4.I liked someone you didnt:
5.I was hospitalized:
6.I ran away from home:
What you think of my:
8.Who are you?
9.Are we friends?
10.When and how did we meet?
11.What do you think of me?
12.How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
13.Do you love me?
14.Have I ever hurt you?
15.Would you hug me?
16.Would you kiss me?
17.Are we close?
18.Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
19.How long have you known me?
20.Describe me in one word.
21.What was your first impression?
22.Do you still think that way about me now?
23.What do you think my weakness is?
24.Do you think I'll get married (if yes to who)?
25.What reminds you of me?
26.What's something you would change about me?
27.How well do you know me?
28.Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
29.If so tell me now? (or PM me)
30.Do you think I would kill someone?
31.Are you going to put this on your otaku site and see what I say about you?? |
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Saturday, June 9, 2007
well Im posting for today :0
Yeah today wasn't very lively so there isn't much to say. Besides from the fact my sister got all prissy about some dough nuts I took from her.
She works all day anyway. I sat In my room watching tv and wasting time on here. Wow how pathetic. I also talked on MSN with one of my distant friends for 5 hours. It was fun. Basically we had blarg wars. I'll just leave it at that haha
And thank you beyblader I shall P.M you once I feel like it lol and your rhyming skills are very clever.
My mom thinks theres something wrong with me. Oh theres a hell of a lot wrong with me. But we'll keep it a secret. I don't want her to get all worrisome right before two concerts she's coiming to with me ohohohoo
Tomorrow I'll post again with more nothingness. really my life isn't that interesting. Probably complain about my friends some more. hah It sounds like I have nothing better to do eh?
haha cheers
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Friday, June 8, 2007
I can never think of good titles can I? haha
Well yesterday we won the championship. So now I can say I'm a champion in something. It's hard to believe because my life is surrounded by failure anyway. We made our schools history by being the first year to win championship for the girls softball team. Again I'm very surprised.
Today the fire alarm went off twice. It was during art too so I got very annoyed. They still don't know how it happened. Theres rumors going around it was because someone set of a stink bomb. I'm just going with my theory; Some ass hole pulled it. It wasn't that great either because it was so hot outside and the only shade was right beside the school which we had to be away from.
I ate lunch alone today. It was nice. I went outside and ate under a tree. Watched some guys play some baseball. Yeah it was a nice lunch haha I bet you anything they were talking about me. I don't care if they were they can blow it up their ass.
I'm eating some candy my brother kindly got for me. It was kinda surprising seeing as he never gets me anything. My sister ate all the sour keys. hm.
My friend Marlo is also off at a weekend camp of some sort. I'm going to miss talking to her for two-three days. So expect a lot of posts this weekend. I.E one on Saturday and Sunday. Maybe Monday but meh I usually give you guys three days to realize I've updated ^_^;;
I've found new love for the band Muse. I really like their black holes and revelations CD. I downloaded Hysteria off one of their others. I'm listening to it right now its awesome.
My pools open maybe I should go swimming later. Seeing as theres no one to really hang out with I'm going to kick back and relax.
As you might have noticed I put a banner I made at the top of my profile haha I made it too long. I wanted it to rest right beside my avatar. meh (edit: lol my long title bumped it up so what evs)
Oh and can anyone give me some codes for here? Like for post styles. I just recently figured out how to get my sites background fixed but thats about it =_= So it would be really nice if you could.. send me some :0 haha
well I have a few manga volumes to read still so I'm going to go do that.
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
I just had this conversation with my friend: [I'm Mich and Marlo is my friend]
Marlo: I feel like a loonie
Mich: loonie :/ like coo coo crazy?
Marlo: mhm
Mich: i though you felt like the coin
Marlo:yes, I feel like a dollar coin
Mich: well you could,you could feel small hexagonal and gold with loons on you
Why am I so random? We shall never know. This convo will also only be funny to Canadians or Americans who are familiar with the Canadian dollar coin. haha
Well nothing much new so far this week. Our softball team (which I'm on) Is playing the finals tomorrow. Were still undefeated...lets hope we win the whole thing!
Today was also very boring...even at lunch. My friends went to hopedale [A mall]. I just left without then because I was really pissed off. I feel like no one wants me there and I'm considered as just the chick that follows them. After spending twenty minutes by myself I noticed I was more comfortable like that. So next year I'm going to try my best to make some new friends. Don't count on that being easy though guys. =_= [Seriously a grade 11 student making new friends? what the hell?] (and Marlo the girl I mentioned at the top isn't in my lunch and even if she was she'd be in learning resources)
School is over in 10 days. ergh and then exams =_= My school is so mean. I shouldn't complain that much though, I only have one to write ohohoho
Well I can't wait for summer even though I'll be all alone. All I know is I'm happy for my concerts. Going to be sweet!
cheers |
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
lazy sunday
So everyone like my new theme? Well it's not exactly new just basically the background picture is different. A very sexy picture of Gerard. It's from J-14 <_< >_> which is kinda shameful but who cares he look so FINE in that picture.
Today I've been bored out of my wits. Had to work on outgoing art assignments and such. It's not as fun to do art when you don't exactly feel like doing it you know what I mean?
Well my mother is bringing me to chapters. Going to pick up a bunch of volumes of different things, hey I like to spend money all right.
I also watched the dvd I bought the other day The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. It was pretty good. I remember watching the japanease version a while back and got hooked just had to buy it lol. You should all watch it I really recommend it.
I think that is the first time I talked about something anime related in these things besides the anime convention. I've just.. had a lack of good anime is all. Like I haven't watches any of the new Naruto or Bleach. I now only read the manga. Why? I just I don't know. I can't watch the anime anymore. I think the constant torture of fillers killed it for me so I can't watch it. It's a shame really.
Well I need to take a shower soon... It's actually quite disgusting. I always have a shower but I waited too long so now I'm grossing myself out...
so yeah
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Saturday, June 2, 2007
Hello everyone. Thanks for commenting on the Teenagers post and not hating me haha
Beyblader: I agree of course people would be jealous of the cheerleaders (*coughclosetothebandcough*). I also agree that no one likes it because of the length and the fact no one is distinctly emo in it. I find that ok I don't want people pointing more things out about MCR and emo. lol Emo has become such a strange phenomenon.
I still love the video I watch it every time I come on here... ^_^
Well I saw spiderman 3 the other day. Theres some more Emo by far the part that made me lol the most was this:
You know I walked into that movie in all black wearing My chem merch. ohoho *oh shit I just pointed out something about emo and MCR dun dun dun*
Well, sorry for semi randomness I ate a huge pizza and chugged a lot of soda. >_> <_<
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Yeah it premiered ^_^ it's in my profile watch and enjoy! xD
My opinion: I am disappointed sort of. Like the video could have been a lot better but it's still really cool. I loved the ending and Gerard’s little spaz (apparently he was shot by the cheerleaders). And for anyone who complains about the cheerleaders... yes I know they seem slutty and you probably don't like it but without them there I think the feel of the video would have been different. Like at least these cheerleaders have a sort of badass persona not like in nirvanas video "smells like teen spirit" Where the cheerleaders weren't as interesting (they basically stood there from what I remember). I know it doesn't compare to their old videos but still I enjoy watching it, and it looked like a fun video to make. I actually prefer this video over I don't love you. I don't love you was just too strange of a video for me. So I'm very sad that Canada isn't getting Teenagers...
P.S im not hating on Nirvana i'm just making a point that the videos are NOT the same. Like everyone is saying. |
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Monday, May 28, 2007
Hey everyone! IM BACK! lol
So the anime con...
Friday: We arrive at the hotel at around 2pm. This is after a very long bus ride. And having to carry all our stuff back and forth across a bridge =_=. Chantal was all nervous cause she thought we wouldn't get the hotel. But we did so it was all good. Afterwards we got all dressed in our costumes and set off to the con. (Down the road which felt like miles in my costume).
We met up with everyone and went around and stuff. Did the regular con routine took pictures looked around in artist alley and the dealers room. I bought one DVD and an L plushy that day.
We also saw anime improv it was pretty funny haha
all of us haha
Saturday: Same routine haha Just a little less painful. This day we stayed up for freaking 24 hours!! I fell asleep in math class today and they wanted me to go home but I couldn’t ahh.
I met these chicks
and they attacked me! They were all omgee black parade fwahahahahdknsvn
haha it was funny.
We again went shopping I got a bunch of manga and free posters haha and we also waited for tree hours to get autographs it was worth it though I got all 4 of the bleach voice actors that were there. xD
Went to the J pop dance party, fun but omgee nerds can’t dance at all!
Snuck into the hentai room... lol i will quote the hentai “HOLY SHIT!" *after witnessing a huge sex orgy*
Sunday: This day all we did was shop haha it was fun though I got a bunch more manga. Saw a solid snake wanted to take his picture but it was raining and he got away nooo! haha
But anyways I can't remember half the shit because I’m so damn sleepy haha but yeah it was a lot of fun. Oh it was fun having normal people ask me and Rebecca if the con was some medieval times con oh god lol it was funny though happened outside of tim hortons.
so yeah I now leave you with picture of me:

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Sorry for not updating for a week haha ^_^;;
homework issues is all.
ok everyone I'm leaving for my friend's tomorrow. Cause anime north is this weekend.*wooooot*
I have dyed my hair and got all the makeup and such and im all set ehe
Can't wait i'll be sure to take lots of pics for you guys alright?
Im buying my project revolution tickets tomoorow cause my mom wants to buy them off house of blues ahah I told her i had the code and everything but she didn't listen oh well atleast it's still before the public sale date.
If anyones going to that date PM me lol I wan't to meet people~
oh and for anyone who cares MCR'S TEENAGERS VIDEO COMES OUT NEXT WEEK!!
ahem* that is all. |
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