Currently: Thinking up facts
music: Brainstorm- Artic monkeys
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Screencaps from BOM AND GEE CAM.
I was tagged by slowness, SergentTickles, and emmah.
so that makes 18 facts? Holy
well First I tag.
simpleplanlover, necury, beyblader.
Well I would tag my other regular visitors but they tagged me haha
ok the facts then:
1. I come home and go right on the computer.
2. Ive got on the schools softball team two years in a row.
3. When im bored I sit in my black parade jacket...
4. My CD player has had three cheers for sweet revenge in it for a long time untill i replaced it with the black parade last year.
5. All I watch on TV is music videos.
6. Im always seen with my ipod.
7. I only wear black, red, white and grey.
8. I still watch Pokemon.
9. I watch seseme street and dora the exsplorer sometimes.
10. I watch reality shows and talk show just to laugh at the peoples problems.
11. I use to work at a fast food resteraunt and a department store.
12. I covered the back of my door with MCR pictures. (it will soon be the wall beside it too)
13. I haven't watched any anime for a few months :/
14. Im going to an anime convention not as a anime character.
15. Im going to see 6 bands live in the span of 3 months
16. I wish it was cold again so I could wear my jacket to school.
17. My mom thinks im depressed :/
18. and finally... my schools bussiness hall smells like rotting turd.
Yes ah so many facts huh woo...