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3rd year student at T.A.Blakelock high school, Cook in The Longos Kitchen
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Beat RE4 31 times, Got 84,456 point in mercenaries, Have more than 300 manga ^^, Saw MCR live twice, and got 97% in maths
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Get a million points in RE4 mercenaries. Meet MCR [I will I know it]
gaming, drawing, painting, writing, reading, listening to music[Music is life]
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Currently: Watching music videos waiting for I don't love you to come on~
Music: Naveed-Our lady peace... I believe I dunno it's by ear cause I can't see tv from here lol
Random picture: 
Well not much really today.
My sisters boyfriend is coming for dinner. DUN DUN DUN!
Which is actually ok considering I know him from school.
But the fact it will be with our parents will be laughable. It will be so uptight haha
Well im sure poetry boy will survive...Maybe.
P.S Im wearing my other MCR shirt today haha
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Monday, March 19, 2007
whats in a name...nothing.....cause there is no name!
Currently: Flipping through my newest edittion of Nintendo power
Music: House of wolves- My chemical romance
Random picture: 
(Gerard thank you for making such outrageous faces, I made this BTW EDIT: He also looks like a monkey heehee)
Alrighty, it's back to school after my pretty uneventful march break. Im sitting here wearing one of the new shirts my sister bought me <3 lol And just listening to itunes.
Im also wondering why when I uploaded my new avatar yesterday I came on today and it was my old one...hmmm well I fixed it anyways.
I found this very amusing, I went on urban dictionary and this is what came up for my high schools definition:
Thomas A. Blakelock:
TAB for short. Blakelock is a pretty down to earth school, considering it's in Oakville. Notorious for drugs, you can't go into a hall without seeing someone baked out of their minds.
You know that last part is actually somewhat true. lmao
Really Urban dictionary has everything...
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Sunday, March 18, 2007
Sisters Back
Currently: Chowing down on some KD
Music: Perfect world-Billy Talent
Random Picture:
Well yes Jackies back. Sounded like she had tons of fun. Even though everyone around her always wanted to get drunk lol
She also said they got stuck in an elevator twice. Man I would die =_= haha
She bought me two MCR shirts xD I love them so much~
Other than that I havent had much happen today but go stand in a airport for an hour or so waiting for her. She didn't look as tired as most people probably becasue she was one of the few that didn't have a hang over haha
I wish I could have gone to Europe, one of these days one of these days.
Yeah I continued the little currently, music, and random picture me more to write?
yeah whatevs
P.S Hey how do you get backgrounds for your posts? Im like technologically challenged. =_= |
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
Just wanted to write something
Currently: Bored out of my mind
Music: Drink Drank Punk- Anti-Flag
Random picture:
Yeah today i've been bored out of my mind. So I went scaveging through my storage room and found a webcam. I was like hmm maybe this works... So I hook it up and surprisingly it works. So now my friends can see my lazy mug while im chatting to them haha no thats only if they want to.
The thing is I go on MSN and they all respond with "you have webcam?" it got kinda annoying after a while but meh.
Also one of my friends bought the Black parade CD after I had reccomended it to him like a month ago. He takes a while.
Other than that had to shovel all that damn snow off my driveway <_< Turns out the sun comes out right as I get out there giving me snow blindness >_< Well not literaly but my eyes hurt. Jeez my neighbours probably think im a vampire they kept staring at me as I would yell at the sun for being so evil and that it hurts my eyes and makes my skin burn. Hmm actually maybe they can believe im a vampire it's alright with me.
well I've now ran out of things to say...
P.S The currently, music, random picture thing probably wont be kept up just felt Like doing it so yeah
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Friday, March 16, 2007
Yes my tickets have arrived!!!! Not the ones I won but the ones I payed for haha
My sisters university acceptance letter has also arrived. Im so happy for her. Im sure shell be so excited once she gets home on sunday from her euro trip. Im also sad because it's also another fact that she'll be leaving soon. But im still really happy for her congrats jackie. Oh and happy late birthday it was yesterday so hehe. |
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
Fun day got out of my house im not going crazy!..well maybe 0_o;;
Today went to my best friend ever Chantal's house. It was up in hamilton so I didnt really know where everything was so I like followed her everywhere haha.
We were looking for stuff for our anime north costumes. She's going as one of her characters so she was like going everywhere trying on corsets haha Me on the other hand am going as a memeber of the black parade. (yeah jeez how cool are you *rolls eyes* lmao) So I was looking for good fabric to make my jacket.
I spent absolutely nothing the whole day hmm She bought me lunch because im special ^^ (yeah you keep believing that >_>)
Im pretty glad I got to see her again like its been close to a year and she hasn't changed at all. Still the metal head she allways been.
I also got pizza, even though i've had pizza almost everyday this week... hmm Im also glad I got out of my house I was definately going crazy.
Watching music videos all day I thought I was going to start talking in lyrics 0_o;;; wouldn't that have been interesting haha
WEll anyway i've ran out of things to say so
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
new shoes
Yeah went out yesterday and got some new shoes. I was determined to get new ones. I got these nice pair of Vans. Grey and got little hearts with skulls in them I love them.
I was going to get these nice doc martens but my mom just snapped "too exspensive" jeez its hard shopping with your parents haha
Well I never shop by myself really I only did when I was working.
Usually I just follow my sister into stores. She never follows me sometimes I think shes scared of where I shop. meh

Random picture for you all go check out its great. |
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The case of the strange computer noises
Don't ask me why I make my post titles like that it's just the spur of the moment.
Well today I wake up go to the computer turn it on. All of a sudden it just keeps buzzing and buzzing I just sat there staring at the tower with a "what the hell?" expression on my face" I though maybe it's just having trouble loading, oh no it wasn't it just kept buzzing and buzzing! It was driving me crazy.
So I went with my mom to buy some cleaning products and we got a bunch of dust out of it. We turn it on. IT WAS STILL BUZZING. I was starting to get real irritated so I decided I’ll call Dell.
Well it turns out my floppy drive was toast and it was buzzing because it couldn't be used anymore. I don't understand why because well I’ve never used the floppy drive in my life. It's clearly outdated technology why they built it into my computer is beyond me. I guess people still use them.
Well at least no more buzzing. I have a bad head ache cause of it now though...
Watched My chemical romance perform on Jay leno last night. It was great the stage was all decorated, I want to steal one of those cut outs of the marching skeletons haha
They also used lots of fire, twas sweet.
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Monday, March 12, 2007
ah yes spring break so eventful
Well like I said I would, I watched 'Borat' yesterday. Well it was totally strange, and very outrageous. It had its moments though so I liked it.
Next movie to see 300, seriously anything by Frank miller becomes a great movie. So I’ll find a way to force my friend to see it cause I don't want to see it alone haha.
I also wasted most of my day yesterday watching the much live marathon on much loud; they played the My Chemical Romance one a bunch of times so it was pretty awesome.
I feel sick today as well I probably mixed something strange in my stomach after chugging pear juice chowing down on pizza and cookies then on top of that eating two bowls of chips.
Ah spring break has been quite strange so far even though it’s only been like 3 days...
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Sunday, March 11, 2007
Bored...Watching much loud and its live at much marathon, borat later
Well IKEA was an interesting store. I almost got lost it was funny. We even ate in the little resteraunt thing even though a bunch of Chavs sat behind us (if you don't know look it up...) All in all a fun day.
I bought a plush cat and named him Bob and a plush Bat and called him Gerard. After that went to my friends house and just hung out.
Watched the first bit of Borat but she decided just to give me a copy I guess she didn't want to watch it at the moment haha.
She gave me this bottle of pear juice that looked like a wine bottle and I chugged the whole thing. I felt kinda sick after but it was worth it. Then we ate a bunch of cookies and pizza ah were such pigs haha
Well Im going to watch Borat later see what all the hype is about haha
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