Currently: Making avatars
Music: Let it Die- Three Days Grace
Hey everyone!
Today was ok. I went shopping xD I got a pair of capris, 3 shirts, sandals, a tank top and a CD. My sandals have little skulls on them haha I lovers them.
Oh yeah and I made an avatar today :0 It's of Jeph he's a fun subject haha:

If you can't see I put like a little dragon on it xD You probably can't see it though D: oh wells haha
I'm still really bored and my back is starting to hurt D:
my friend gave me this custom card it says DEAD! on the front xD it's awesome!
I want to draw more chibi MCR haha I have a Gerard I need Frank, Ray, Bob, and Mikey right! :D
well yeah thats all I randomly had to say.