Birthday 1991-05-26 Gender
Male Location Deep inside the Village Hidden in the Ash Member Since 2005-04-02 Occupation Jounin Real Name Jacob Darksea
Achievements MAKEING MY OWN NARUTO TEAM!! Anime Fan Since 1995...or so Favorite Anime One piece, Naruto, Inuyasha, Zatch bell, POKE'MON!(its so retro!) Goals makin' my girl happy! Hobbies Playing games, drawing, watching t.v., ridingmy bike, eating food, sleeping. . .eating food Talents Drawing, playing viola, Kicking butt on super smash bros. darksea
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
field trip . . . . OH YA!!!!
i get to go on a all day field trip tommorrow and that is awsm!! . . . . . im so happy!!!!! . . . . . . . . FIELD TRIP!!!!!! Comments (2) |
Monday, June 13, 2005
so soooo so board!!!!!
why is it boring around here!!!!!!!!!! gosh!!!!! this place isnt flippin sweet!!! GAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!i have to go to my moms for a month!!!! during the summer!!! i dont want to and the worst part is i have to go all the way to montana!!!!! well i want to see my mom but still i dont want to go!!!!! Comments (4) |
Sunday, June 12, 2005
this guiz soooooo told my life its scary!!!!!!!
LJ Friends Meme by
• You must tell 7 people about this game. • tidy is the one that you love. • mimmy is one you like but can't work out. • You care most about sam. • zach is the one who knows you very well. • jim is your lucky star. • white houses is the song that matches with tidy. • da ba dee is the song for mimmy. • coming clean is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind. • and heven is the song telling you how you feel about life Take this quiz
uuh and i was feeling good this morn to!!!!!
hey everyone . . .when i woke up i was having a good day . . then alia(suntetsu)i.m.ed me . . . of corse she just had to be hyper!!! so she just felt like makeing me mad . . . dont get me rong shes a good person . . . . when shes not hyper . . which is like . . .every 30 mins. maybe a hour???jk see ya guys!!!!!! Comments (4) |
the game fire emblem is such a AWSM game!!! tho it is hard EVEN ON THE EASY SETTING!!!!!! i know. . . i know it may seem sad to you but its hard you cant have your people die or you can never use them again thats the part that makes it hard!!!!!!!!!!!!! so ya SEE YA!!!!!!!! Comments (1) |
. . . . .blaaa!!
hey every one!!!!!!!! im SOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! board!!! board board BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have a concert tommorrow! and me and my section have to stand up during one song!!!! i didnt want to do that!!!!!! i had to stand up through my 5th and 6th grade years!!!!!!!!!! that really sucked!!!!!! so ya thats prity much all i had to say . . . . so see ya!!!!!!
i beat these games like 4 times there so easy!!!!!! Comments (3) |
Monday, June 6, 2005
YAY!!! i finally got a scanner!!!!!!!!!! i put up a pic YAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAAYYAAYAYAYYAAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!! Comments (2) |