Birthday 1991-05-26 Gender
Male Location Deep inside the Village Hidden in the Ash Member Since 2005-04-02 Occupation Jounin Real Name Jacob Darksea
Achievements MAKEING MY OWN NARUTO TEAM!! Anime Fan Since 1995...or so Favorite Anime One piece, Naruto, Inuyasha, Zatch bell, POKE'MON!(its so retro!) Goals makin' my girl happy! Hobbies Playing games, drawing, watching t.v., ridingmy bike, eating food, sleeping. . .eating food Talents Drawing, playing viola, Kicking butt on super smash bros. darksea
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hey people im finally on!!! my dad let me get on the comp. YAY!!!!!!! so ya thats y i wasnt on for like . . . . 5 days i think!! my dad took a cord Comments (4) |
uuuhh im depressed!!!
i went to my dads gf's house for dinner and after dinner we watched "phantom of the opera" i didnt really pay attention to the movie parts but i payed alot of attention to the music parts . . and no im not a music freak!! i just like the music from the movie!!! im still depressed but i still have no idea y!!!!!! UUUUHHH i hate being depressed for no reason!!!!! its a major pain!!!!!!!!! Comments (5) |
i dont know y!!!!
i kinda depressed more then usuall i dont know y . . . . huh . . wierd Comments (4) |
Sunday, May 29, 2005
AAAAAAHHHHHHHhhhhhhh!!!! oh wait nvm
YAY kingdom hearts!!! this is cool sora
hey what do ya know its mummy duck!!!!
well this is a litle better mthen no goofie pic!! Comments (2) |
eeeeeh i cant think of anything . . . Betrayal hurts us all and youve gotten over it many different ways. Let goof the one that hurt you and you should be fine. Betrayelwalks hand in hand with anger and you wouldnt wantto hurt you friends, siblings or other you care about.