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myOtaku.com: darksideofvash

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Guestbook Entries:

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yashi katasan93 (03/10/06)

Awesome site! I love the background, and the colors. ^_^ Have a nice day. ^__^

msyugioh123 (03/03/06)

cool i like ff background and avitar

FullmetalElric (02/10/06)

gess hoo?! thats right it JULIA!!!!! ( if you can't tell I just had a lot of suger )love ur background!
all hail dontae!!!!!

gold Diger (02/10/06)

nice name cool bg. i love your site its tottl cool. well i am adding u as a friend. hope u vist my site. ♥

amaya night raine (02/10/06)

love da bg
so awesome
really cool
pm me wheneveh
or im me

EdwardElricThe2nd (02/01/06)


Nihao! Like the site. Coolio colors and what not. Nice. Well anywho, would you liketh to meh friend for eternity until the moon crashes down on Hawaii? n_n I thought so. Do you wanna be meh friend??? Drop by meh site sometime. I'm not one of those stupid ppl that demand to be visited everyday, but just like once a year would be nice. lol n_n.Well I do hope to hear from you sometime! Tootles! CULATER!
Idiots do cool things.

That's why it's cool.
"They say that catching a mere rabbit takes every bit of a lion's strength..."- Edward Elric

"There will be an extremely bright red sunrise in the next two or three days. That will signal the end of this planet. There will be a major earthqueake after that, so be careful. When the earthquake is over, there will be a brief pause, and then the end will come. I'm sorry, but it will be an excrutiatingly painful end."-Chise

"Don't touch her! I'll kill you!"-Wrath

"When the end of the world comes, promise that we'll be together?"-Chise

† ‡ †

Ðå Fullmetal €heerîo King knowz bestiestz. dð watz rite & don't do da drugž! ¤.¤ thanxiež! n_n 

- ¥our friend Édwª®dŒl®Ì¢Thè²nd ♣♠♣♠ ♥

animeownsme (01/28/06)

Awesome site! Trigun rocks! I'm adding you cuz you rock! Also welcome to the otaku... I guess your kinda new aw well whatever!

juvenileOrion010 (01/28/06)

Hey, Love the site!!!!I can't believe Trigun isn't on anymore *sob*....c'mon pull yourself together...*slaps myself*...okay...well come and visit my site and I have taken the liberty to add you as a friend...WHAT!!!!.....if you don't want to be my friend which I bet you do take it up with my anger management official person....o_0 C ya!!!


Anguisel (01/25/06)

Like your site. Simple design and colors really work! Come stop by sometime!

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