Hey this is my site. I have a name, but I'm not gonna tell you unless you ask, so you can call me what you will. I was formerly known as DarkstarInu. I play the violin and am a Vegetarian. I love to make friends. I'm Irish [and proud of it] and obsess over anime, books, music, friends, love and life. I'm a band geek, orchestra nerd, guard tard, and I'm proud of them all. As long as you don't piss me or one of my friends off, then I can get along with just about anyone. My Best friends are Blue, Ally, Jessica, Lynn, Ben, Andee, Rachel and Cat, so I'll probably be talking about them alot. I just got back from a long break from Otaku. And these aren't rules, just things so you know what to expect-
Itsus' lesson to getting along with me ^^
- You visit me=I visit you
- You sign my guestbook with "hi, nice site, i'm adding you"=I ignore you. *_*
- You sign my GB and sound like you actually care=I sign yours
- You harm my friends=I break you
- You be a good friend=I shall love you forever
Comment Info
The Comment Button is below the post.....same as normal
-please put you name in the name blank....that is all that I ask ^.^
Please Comments On Blue's Art!!! There is a link to her art at the top!
I love incence(sp?) Yeah random, I know. But after today, you'll have to excuse my randomnesity for a bit. You are about to read what happens when I think to much. So you've been warned.
The most complex thing in existence, yet so calm and untouched by the drama and pain of life, is indeed Nature. Does nature determine our destiny? Destiny is unavoidable. My deepest fear is to vanish from existence. What if my destiny is to be known by all, but loved by none, to be received, but never accepted, to be alive, but to never truly live? I exist, but does this existence mean that I am alive? Is living life worth it, if you do it alone? Can you love without being touched by the chaos of humanity? Must you have power to achieve respect? Does acceptance come with being respected? What is respect worth without accceptance? Does either matter to anyone except me? If the me of today was to vanish tonight, would anyone notice tommorow? If you recieve love, does loyalty accompany that love? Must you love to be loyal? Must you be loyal to love? Neither is recognized by anyone in the world that I am banished to. If I vanish, would anyone replace me? Are memories retainable if they are not of someone that matters? Must you remember someone to know who they are? If you love, but it is not known, does that love within you still exist? Does love matter if it remains unacknowledged? Can a being that is uncaring love? If you love someone, does that mean that you care for them? Can you love with an uncaring, unfeeling heart? If you do not love, then do you still exist? If you can not exist without love, then how am I living? Is living existing? Is existing living? I s there a difference? Can you be alive without existing? Can you exist without being alive? Must you live to exist? If you do not remember your life, did you still live it? Does the being that lived your life, even if that life remains unremembered, still exist? Will they replace me when the me that is attempting to live this life ceases to exist? Even if you are dead to the world, you are not dead to me. All my pain is bearable, if it allows me to exist. This is my destiny, and Destiny is unavoidable. My fate is another story, for another lifetime.
Inspiration - The views on life of the unknown recesses of my Mind.
And that my friends is only one nights worth of boredom. So what do you think? Oh well.
And now PICTURES!!!! ^_^

Moon Cookie

My Pretty moon(not by me)

And just don't ask about this one......*cough*

You are now scarred for life...muahahahahaha *cough*gag*cough*