Hey this is my site. I have a name, but I'm not gonna tell you unless you ask, so you can call me what you will. I was formerly known as DarkstarInu. I play the violin and am a Vegetarian. I love to make friends. I'm Irish [and proud of it] and obsess over anime, books, music, friends, love and life. I'm a band geek, orchestra nerd, guard tard, and I'm proud of them all. As long as you don't piss me or one of my friends off, then I can get along with just about anyone. My Best friends are Blue, Ally, Jessica, Lynn, Ben, Andee, Rachel and Cat, so I'll probably be talking about them alot. I just got back from a long break from Otaku. And these aren't rules, just things so you know what to expect-
Itsus' lesson to getting along with me ^^
- You visit me=I visit you
- You sign my guestbook with "hi, nice site, i'm adding you"=I ignore you. *_*
- You sign my GB and sound like you actually care=I sign yours
- You harm my friends=I break you
- You be a good friend=I shall love you forever
Comment Info
The Comment Button is below the post.....same as normal
-please put you name in the name blank....that is all that I ask ^.^
Please Comments On Blue's Art!!! There is a link to her art at the top!
I might not be on much for the next few days. My mom is in the hospital, and I'm taking care of her, and trying to keep her from being lonely. She has pneumonia. She's severly dehydrated, and her oxygen level is kinda low aswell. She should be ok, but she will have to stay hospitalized fo a few days. And I got this little pass thing that will let me stay after hours and come in real early, like before visiting hours start.
But because she is in the hospital, I don't have to goto school, which is REALLY good. I have a project, a BIOLOGY project, which is due today. But since I'm not there, I get to do it over the weekend, and not get any point taken off.^^
Anyone know any good books. Like vampire books, and romance^^ (must be a female thing. But nothing against any guys who like to read romance books)I really need more books.
I left my vioin at school. I didn't know that I wasn't coming to school today, because if I had known, I would have brought it home yesterday. Hopefully my brother will take me to school at like 3 or something so I can get it.^^
Twilight Master
And I thought that this was just a really cool shot^^
And these two are just really cute^^