Hey this is my site. I have a name, but I'm not gonna tell you unless you ask, so you can call me what you will. I was formerly known as DarkstarInu. I play the violin and am a Vegetarian. I love to make friends. I'm Irish [and proud of it] and obsess over anime, books, music, friends, love and life. I'm a band geek, orchestra nerd, guard tard, and I'm proud of them all. As long as you don't piss me or one of my friends off, then I can get along with just about anyone. My Best friends are Blue, Ally, Jessica, Lynn, Ben, Andee, Rachel and Cat, so I'll probably be talking about them alot. I just got back from a long break from Otaku. And these aren't rules, just things so you know what to expect-
Itsus' lesson to getting along with me ^^
- You visit me=I visit you
- You sign my guestbook with "hi, nice site, i'm adding you"=I ignore you. *_*
- You sign my GB and sound like you actually care=I sign yours
- You harm my friends=I break you
- You be a good friend=I shall love you forever
Comment Info
The Comment Button is below the post.....same as normal
-please put you name in the name blank....that is all that I ask ^.^
Please Comments On Blue's Art!!! There is a link to her art at the top!
Hola!!!! I'm back from the beach! It was awsome!!! There was a lazy river, and like monster pools, and a glass elevator, and the pier was soooo Cool! We had so much fun. And on the last night, we spent FOUR HOURS in the lazy river. we were chasing all these little kids, not to be mean or anything, we just did it for fun. And we had a skittle fight(do you know how much it hurts to have a skittle hit you in the temple? well it hurts a lot) so basically, we had a great time.
The all of the way there and back, I listened to bluechans music.ohohohohohohohohohohoh!! It was so cool! I can't wait for my copy. Then we discused every detail about the 7th(I think) Hellsing manga. hehe that was fun too. oh! we also discused how 'humans can lick too!'. and NO that is NOTHING PERVERTED. But only tess and bluechan have any clue as to what I'm talking about!! If you wanna here the story, ask one of those two.
So what did We miss while we were gone? anything good happen??
And remember......skittles can hurt people too!!
![Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting](http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o154/DarkstarInu/pip.jpg)
And this is a link to a 2yr old picture of my 22yr old brother. I don't know why, but I just felt like sharing, and tess LOOOOVVES this picture.