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myOtaku.com: DarkstarInu

Monday, January 1, 2007

   Once again...IDK!!!!!
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Hey this is my site. I have a name, but I'm not gonna tell you unless you ask, so you can call me what you will. I was formerly known as DarkstarInu. I play the violin and am a Vegetarian. I love to make friends. I'm Irish [and proud of it] and obsess over anime, books, music, friends, love and life. I'm a band geek, orchestra nerd, guard tard, and I'm proud of them all. As long as you don't piss me or one of my friends off, then I can get along with just about anyone. My Best friends are Blue, Ally, Jessica, Lynn, Ben, Andee, Rachel and Cat, so I'll probably be talking about them alot. I just got back from a long break from Otaku. And these aren't rules, just things so you know what to expect-

Itsus' lesson to getting along with me ^^

- You visit me=I visit you

- You sign my guestbook with "hi, nice site, i'm adding you"=I ignore you. *_*

- You sign my GB and sound like you actually care=I sign yours

- You harm my friends=I break you

- You be a good friend=I shall love you forever

Comment Info

The Comment Button is below the post.....same as normal

-please put you name in the name blank....that is all that I ask ^.^

Please Comments On Blue's Art!!! There is a link to her art at the top!

Happy new years to every one!! Ya know, the thing that sucks the most about a new year is having to change the date when ever you write it down. It is so hard!!! *pouts* ^~^ Especially when you've been writing the same year for 365 days in a row multiple times a day.

Did anyone watch the ball thingy drop? What happens when it drops? Does it break into millions of little pieces, peircing anyone and anything in range???? ooooohhh sounds cool. ^_^

Well I went and spent time with emily and matt. We had a lot of fun. They went swiming and then we went out to eat at this road house type of place and I hade a 8oz steak, and a salad, and a baked potatoe. *drools* I need to shut up before I make myself hungry again. >_
WAHHHHHH!! NO one guessed my last name. Well, no one gets a cookie then!! *_*

I love puppies!!This is what my puppy looked like when we got her.

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ME and my brother are trying to convince my mom to letting us get a husky puppy.

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Well Happy new years to every one(eventhough you are probabaly tired of hearing it from everyone by now)!!!


And this is will.(my brother)
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And Yes I know that there was a little more randomness than usual in here, but bear with me.

Layout By:311

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