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myOtaku.com: DarkstarInu

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Go Back ~*~ Log Out ~*~ Blue's Art ~*~ Please Sign! ~*~ Be My Friend ~*~ PM's ~*~ All my Buddies! ~*~ The BIG RED Button ~*~

Hey this is my site. I have a name, but I'm not gonna tell you unless you ask, so you can call me what you will. I was formerly known as DarkstarInu. I play the violin and am a Vegetarian. I love to make friends. I'm Irish [and proud of it] and obsess over anime, books, music, friends, love and life. I'm a band geek, orchestra nerd, guard tard, and I'm proud of them all. As long as you don't piss me or one of my friends off, then I can get along with just about anyone. My Best friends are Blue, Ally, Jessica, Lynn, Ben, Andee, Rachel and Cat, so I'll probably be talking about them alot. I just got back from a long break from Otaku. And these aren't rules, just things so you know what to expect-

Itsus' lesson to getting along with me ^^

- You visit me=I visit you

- You sign my guestbook with "hi, nice site, i'm adding you"=I ignore you. *_*

- You sign my GB and sound like you actually care=I sign yours

- You harm my friends=I break you

- You be a good friend=I shall love you forever

Comment Info

The Comment Button is below the post.....same as normal

-please put you name in the name blank....that is all that I ask ^.^

Please Comments On Blue's Art!!! There is a link to her art at the top!

Well hello to all. Right now it's 12:24. Go me!! But the bad thing is that in the morning at like 8 I have to take my do g to get her shots. So that means that I have to get up early. I am NOT a morning person. Heck, I'm not even a day time person.

I get to go over to bluechans house taday!! Amichan is coming too! We are gonna watch the hellsing OVA that blue just got. It isn't very long, but It's still totally awsome.

I know that this is short, but I am sleepy, and I keep nodding off because I have to get up at 5 every day and I usually go to bed at one, so I don't get that much sleep. *yawns* heres some pictures.*snore*

I just like this one.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

It's pretty.


ps: Who Likes my new Background??

Layout By:311

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