Yo, people what's up? I've been here for 4 years. And I love it!!! I love the colors Black, and Blue. I'm kinda a dark person sometimes, but don't judge me on that. Hmm thats about it. Feel free to sign my Guestbook, add me as my friend, and leave me a comment. Doctor Online-Zeromancer
Ok so let's see nothing really happened today. BlueKitsune made up superhero names for us. -_- Mine was SafetyPin cuz I put some on my backpack. But now my name is Reckless Driver. But it was funny. In math this dude had one of thoose laser pens and was pointing it at ppl. And Everyone was like that person was going to die. It was funny. There will be no more sad poems! Don't know why I was even writing them in the first place. Well that's about it for now, so later.
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