Yo, people what's up? I've been here for 4 years. And I love it!!! I love the colors Black, and Blue. I'm kinda a dark person sometimes, but don't judge me on that. Hmm thats about it. Feel free to sign my Guestbook, add me as my friend, and leave me a comment. Doctor Online-Zeromancer
I went to church, and then Sunday School. We had junor youth too. In the leason, the teacher said. "If you have ever said a swear word stick your left thumb in your mouth." Every did. "If you have ever said something that hurt somebody stick your right thumb in your mouth." Everyone did. And last "If someone has something to you that hurt you stick three fingers in your mouth." Everyone did. Then we had to say something which I forgot -_-;; But it was really funny. A lot of people signed my mom's card, and I have to bring it to school tomorrow, for my friends to sign. That's a lot of people! Well thats about it for now. Right now my dad is cooking shrimp! YUM!! And there big too, so YAY! I'll come back later to see if anyone else updated.