Yo, people what's up? I've been here for 4 years. And I love it!!! I love the colors Black, and Blue. I'm kinda a dark person sometimes, but don't judge me on that. Hmm thats about it. Feel free to sign my Guestbook, add me as my friend, and leave me a comment. Doctor Online-Zeromancer
Sorry I didn;t update yesterday. I went over to Symone's house(BlueKitsune) It was fun. Now this is how my day today was
WE got our progess Reports today.
Social Studies: 95 and all we did was go over our Test, I made a 85
Reading: We were supose to take out Spelling/Vocabulary Test, but we didn't. I have a 95
Shop: Didn't really do anything. I have a B, he didn;t put a grade just a letter
Math: 85, we just finished our test that we had to do on Friday, but didn't finish -__-
P.E: Did nothing really, I got a 100 though ^__^
English: Copied some stuff down. I got a 91
Science: We had a sub, and so I didn't get my progoss report for that class.
Well that's about it. I have 3 spirlas, that I am just using for my friends, like we write notes in it and stuff. I did it last year, with Amanda(Luna Moon) So now I have one with Symone(BlueKitsune) Amanda(Luna Moon) and Jessica(mexian_dragon) And tomorrow, I'm also bring some Manga,so my friends can read from where they left off last year -__-
I wrote a pome today but I don't think I will actually put it up....I don't know I'll just see how I feel, then I might put it up or not. What do ya'll think? Should I?
Heres a pic for ya
Oh and I will be adding Link to my lil Profile thingy, the boxed one. So if you have any ideas on what I could put in it, then tell me! Or if you have any ideas if there is anything else I should add in it.