Yo, people what's up? I've been here for 4 years. And I love it!!! I love the colors Black, and Blue. I'm kinda a dark person sometimes, but don't judge me on that. Hmm thats about it. Feel free to sign my Guestbook, add me as my friend, and leave me a comment. Doctor Online-Zeromancer
I woke up about a hour ago. Hmm Well I have nothing to really talk about. I'm still a lil bit tired. *Yawn* I think I might go play HP4 or something. I've notice that since I've been off from school, I've been wearing my badana ^^ Since we can't them in school. I wear mines around the house, and when we go places. Now I have two because my dad gave me one of his ^__^ My AIM won't come up. I guess I'm gonna have to restart the computer. I might, becasue I might get on later. I'll go ask my mom if I can. Hmm I think I might leave this theme up untill X-mas. Then after that I'm gonna achange it to what I have planed. And I get to try out different HTML's that I have. ^___^ Oh and I'm gonna be 3 years old soon. On MyO that is. On December 25(X-Mas) I will have been on MyO for 3 years! ^__^ I might update on that day, maybe I won't depening on if I have time. And also a few days ago my uncle sent my mom a digical camera! My mom has been having fun with it
-__- So once we learn how to upload the pictures to the computer. I'll put some pics on here. We were gonna do it today, but my mom isn't feeling well, so I don't know when we are. Hopefully soon. And I'll ask my mom is I cna take some pictures with it, casue she said I can't unless she's with me. -__- But I can understand why. That's another reason why I want a camera phone. But I didn't get one because my dad said he wanted to get me a phone that I can throw and stuff,and it won't break so easily. Which I can understand too. ^^ Woah this was a long post from me. Lol
My AIM works now -___-