Yo, people what's up? I've been here for 4 years. And I love it!!! I love the colors Black, and Blue. I'm kinda a dark person sometimes, but don't judge me on that. Hmm thats about it. Feel free to sign my Guestbook, add me as my friend, and leave me a comment. Doctor Online-Zeromancer
Sorry I haven't updated I've been very busy with stuff. And plus My computer is being very mean to me now *tear* Lol Wensday I had church, then yesterday I had to make aposter for the school dance. Sence I am in Scrapbooking for NJHS I had to make one. And today I almost didn't get on because I had to restart my computer so that I could use AOL Explorer, but I'm useing Netscape just so that I can update. T_T Stupid computer. *kicks computer* Grr... well I might not get a chance to get to your sites now. Maybe tomorrow my computer will be better.