Yo, people what's up? I've been here for 4 years. And I love it!!! I love the colors Black, and Blue. I'm kinda a dark person sometimes, but don't judge me on that. Hmm thats about it. Feel free to sign my Guestbook, add me as my friend, and leave me a comment. Doctor Online-Zeromancer
So how is everyone? I'm ok. I didn't go to church today though. My mom didn't feel well. Tomorrow were going to My Aunt's house in Highlands. It's somewhere in the Houston area. That's all I know. She needs help with her computer, so she asked my mom. Yeah my mo knows a lot about Computers. Basically how they work and stuff. But I know all the HTML ^^ Lol I haven't worked on my HTML site in awhile. I'm still thinking about it. Really on what to put in it. If you have any sugestions tell me. I'm off to jsut surf the Net.