Yo, people what's up? I've been here for 4 years. And I love it!!! I love the colors Black, and Blue. I'm kinda a dark person sometimes, but don't judge me on that. Hmm thats about it. Feel free to sign my Guestbook, add me as my friend, and leave me a comment. Doctor Online-Zeromancer
I have great news. If you remember from past posts. You may recall that my dad tried to get in touch with his daughter.(For you who don't then now you do XP But she's from a past married) Well his Ex-wife called this morning(while I was sleeping) and talk to my saying saying that his daughter wanted to meet him. I'm really happy. We're going to meet on the 9th, if I remember right. I don't know what's going to happen though. Like I don't know if I'm going to, or if he's just going.
Well today was good. I slept in. Woek up and I played Sudeki some more. I'm going to try and find some Sudekie fansites. Once I can get the Soundtrack to the game I'm going to make a theme of it ^^