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myOtaku.com: Darkwolfprincess

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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nanafan (09/22/07)

hey thanks,I think your site is really cool too. So yeah ive added you, and yeah i am new heh.

fairygal95 (09/02/07)

I love ur site ill add u hope u dont mind pm me so time if u want to well i have to go ttyl

with love

Kari305 (08/25/07)

hiayas my names kayla too i know two kaylas on the otaku unless your the same one??ANYWAY pm me ^-^

purple angel (08/11/07)

hey i love your quizzes and your site i added u as a friend hope u do the same

mysterioushanyou (07/24/07)

Sweet site!!! do you mind if i add you as i friend? i see you like a lot of the same manga i do. that's cool! if you get a chance can you sign my GB! ADIOS!!

gamefan44 (07/04/07)

your site is sooooooo cool^^ i just have to add you^^ come to my site please but its not as cool as your

Keeper of Souls (07/03/07)

Thank you for signing my guestbook ^^
Your site is cool too.
I love FLCL its like.....hmm.... my 4th favorite show ever ^^

anyways il add ya.... pm me if ur ever bored or need help with anything ^^

Twilight Massacre (07/02/07)

Thankies for signing my GB. I like your Site as well. Especially the background ^_^

Ima ad you as well, hope we can talk and become friends.

--Twilight ((The Vampire))

YamiLover03 (06/30/07)

Hiya! Thankies for signing my guestbook! Your site looks really cool! I love all the sillhoueted pictures! ^_^ lol Yaay! Yami is totally awesome! XD Thanks for adding me, I'll add you to my friend's list as well! I'll see you later!

blue dragon demon (06/27/07)

thanx for signing my gb im gonna ad you too

also love the site

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