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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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grave13 (01/02/07)

Hiya!! Thanks for signing my GB!! I love your site!! Hellsing is friggin' sweet!! ^_^ *Pauses* Wow, I'm a bit hyper at the moment... Sorry about that ^^; Anyways, thanks for addin' me, I'll do the same, kay? Hope to talk to ya sometime!! ^_^

midnight faery (01/02/07)

hey, thanks for signing my GB! I love your site too! well, anyways, I hope to talk to you later, oh, by the way, I'm adding you as a friend! CYA!!

demon2010 (12/27/06)

*Stairs at page* I.... Love..... Hellsing! YOUR SITE IS THE BEST! It's totally sweet and awesome and I love alucard! I also see your a big VictoriaxPip fan.... Nice....
I wanna add you as a friend cuz you are awesome.

(A hellsing fact: Did you know that Alucard spelled backwords is Dracula? My GF told me that and I tell everyone that so yeah.. sorry for bugging you!)

Beautiful Dreamer (12/27/06)

hey i like the way your site goes together also! thanks for the guestbook sign!!! hope you had an amazing x-mas too!!! well see ya around!


Bushidoblade02 (12/26/06)

hey thanks for signing my guestbook. sorry i didn't get to you earlier. i'm in the Navy and i can be extrememly busy sometime,lol!^_^

RizelmineRedWolf (12/25/06)

hey, thanks for signing my gb! i don't always meet others wolves too often, mabye we can gewt to know each other a little, i always like to make friends (don't worry, you wouldn't have to join my pack i f you did)? well, gotta run, hope to see you in paradise!

Blakend Soul (12/24/06)

thanx for signing my gb. i like your site 2 and hope 2 see you around also.


wolfspeed (12/23/06)

thanx for signing my gb ^_^ yes, i am a fellow wolf ^_^ a very dedicated one at that... i like your site ^_^ well, feel free to pm me whenever ^_^ and i'll add you too

Later Days ^_~

GothicVampiress (12/23/06)

Hey cool site that you have here I'm going to add you as a friend and hope that you do the same. If you have time stop by my part of myo sometime.

Aerial Massacre (12/23/06)

>< I forgot to sign your gb when I stoped by. lol well I guess now is as good a time as any. I really like your page and your art.^^ makes mhe smile.^^ peace.

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