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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

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Len23 (06/27/06)

im going to take a random guess and say you like Wolfs Rain right? Let me kno..im practicing my psyotic skills...welp anywho awsome site, adios

-the other LEN

KillMeCrimson (06/24/06)

Hello Blue! ^_^ Remember me? I'm Hanyou-InuYasha, yeah! I hope you still remember me. ^^' But I guess that's my fault for not visiting much as Hanyou-InuYasha. Anyway, I decided to start a new account, and here it is. I'd be eternally gratefull if you'd come by.

Your site is so pretty looking. I love the background. I haven't watched Wolf's Rain in a long time though. T_T Umm, I'm going to take a wild guess and say that that's Cheza on the background? Yes, Wolf's Rain is a good anime indeed, yeah. ^^

Well, I'll re-add you to my friend's list. I hope we can continue being friends.

Later, yeah!


SongsOfLacus (06/21/06)

Hello ^^ This is ChibiMana, remember me? I hope so ^^; Well I decided to come back and I have a new site so I'd appreciate it if you'd stop by, ok ^^

Your site still looks awesome ^_^ I love the background. It's really pretty :) I haven't watched Wolf's Rain in a long time, but it's a pretty good anime.

Anyway, I'll add you to my friends list again. See ya later!

Addicted-to-JRock (06/21/06)

hello darling this is eyes-of-the-wolf. I had to make a new account...because i screwed my site up some kinda bad. So just go to my new account okay? thats the one i will be using. Please sign my gb, and add me. thanks so much!!!


Anime Risa (06/20/06)

xD This is yellowsword, but I got a new account. I'll add you as a friend

closetfangrrl (06/18/06)

Thanks for signing my guestbook, your site is totally AWESOME! You really got this whole HTML stuff down, any tips? CAUSE I DONT KNOW A THING BOUT HTML! Anyways thanks again!


AzraBalta (06/18/06)

Thanks for dropping by and for commenting my fan art.
I'm glad you like my avatar. It's actually a character from a story I've written two years ago. I just thought she'd make a good avatar when I joined TheOtaku.
I combined colors of my site so that the colors are soft and posts are easy to read. Glad you like it.
I like your fan art too. Excellent drawings. To bad I never watched Wolf's Rain, it seems to be very interesting.

Kaoru Cashew (06/17/06)

Uwahhh!! Wolf's rain lovveerr! You're now so my budddyy!

Thank you for commenting on my site and art ^.^ it makes me feel really good!

I lovveeee your background, it's really nice; very soft and enigmatic.

Send me an email/IM or something, it would be great to chat!


FlowerKiss (06/17/06)

Thanks for signing my guetsbook.
My background is from Matantei Loki Ragnarok.
I like your site. Awesome background. I've seen it before and thought it was really pretty. Wolf's Rain is awesome.
later, be safe.

Gray Wolf Tsume (06/10/06)

Hey Gray Wolf Tsume here!!! ur site's really cool i think i'll add u as a friend ^-^!!! i was wondering if u could help me out; how were u able to poast that WR clip from youtube on ur site??? can u tell me how, plez??? i'd really be greatful if u could tell me. thanx.


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