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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

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LiquidSilver (08/22/05)

Starting school huh? Good luck :3 you know it doesnt matter what everyone else things. As long as your style is yours, and you feel like..well...you in it, then it shouldnt matter what people think of you, and im sure your friends will stick by you :3 its not like they can change your style or anything.


rebeliousAlexiel (08/21/05)

heya! I really like your site, I'm a big fan of Chobits so naturally I love the BG ^_^ well please stop by my site sometime. buh byes for now!


TwistedNightmare (08/20/05)

Thanks for signing my gb. I love your site and the background is pretty. Yes, I do love dark angels or anything dark for that matter. lol

Anyways, thanks for the complements in my gb. Love the music. I'll add you as a friend. \

Ja ne!

Hellsingfan (08/18/05)

Hi ^_^
Cool back ground... I like your site, it's awsome ^_^
Cool... you live in South Carolia, I live in North Carolina...
Thank you for signing my gb ^_^
Please come by my site anytime you want, and I'll add you as a friend if thats ok with you, and you my PM me any time you want ^_^
Bye *waves*

Samie (08/18/05)

I like your site. Please come vist mine and sign my gb.

Veda (08/17/05)

cool site.i like the background and the colors.

SunderedYingYang (08/17/05)

Konichiwa Rae-chan! I like your site! The bg looks great! See ya around!

Mischief Managed.

fire angel88 (08/17/05)

Like your site. See you in the afterlife.

HauntedCrimsonCry (08/16/05)

I really do not say this often as I am a withdrawn person, but... I LOVE YOUR SITE!!! The background, the avatar- especially the avatar- the username... everything! Good job!
Remember; To Live is to Love and to Die all at once..

yellowsword (08/16/05)

hi ^^ sure you can join my club
ooh pretty bg
I'll add u as a friend

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