Birthday 1991-11-30 Gender
Female Location South Carolina, US Member Since 2005-05-14 Occupation Student, Artist Real Name Blue
Achievements My art has gotten better than it used to be. Anime Fan Since Uh..well it has been a long time.. Favorite Anime Hellsing(manga & OVA's), Yu Yu Hakusho, Wolf's Rain, Chrono Crusade, Rurouni Kenshin, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Chobits, Maison Ikkoku, anything by Miyazaki, Inuyasha, Full moon wo Sagashite, Ranma 1/2, Tokyo Mew Mew, Grave of the Fireflies, Skyhigh Goals Always improve on art, visit Japan and France someday, get into a good college, just walk my way in life, I guess! Hobbies Drawing, reading and (occasionally)writing fanfics, listening to music, making AMV's, lurking around the internet when bored. Talents Well artsy stuff I hope, but that's debatable! DarkWolves Faith
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
sorry about the strange questions last post. xD Lol, but I couldn't think of anything else.
Oh, and does anyone want me to post the second part of the Hellsing OVA? Let me know.
Anyway, what I'm mainly posting to say is that today is one of my sisters' Birthday. Could you stop by and wish her well? Her username is DarkStarInu. Thank you!
I'll be sure to get to sites tonight..sorry it's just that I've been busy lately. *sigh* Thank you for coming by nonetheless. *hugz*
what's up everyone? Nothing much here. It's the middle of the week, not much excitement, y'know. I had a good day though, hope you all did too.
So..since I am blabbering, I shall post random questions. Answer if you want, if not that's ok too.^^~
1)What 'color' is your heart?(Based on personality and such. Not literally of course. xD)
2)What 'animal spirit' do you have? Aka animals that your attached to?(Based on personality once again..)
3)If you had a choice of being turned into the undead, or dying as a human, what would you choose?
My answers:
-My heart would be blue. I can feel 'blue' and lonely sometimes, but I'm also pretty shy.
-Wolf! Withdrawn but close to loved ones. Can be a loner and doesn't like to be controlled. Hmm..maybe dragon too? My emotions tend to be pretty extreme sometimes, no matter what the mood~
-Undead probably. But then again..y'know, I don't know.^^;
.:It's Monday..yay?:.
what's up everyone? Thanks for the twenty one comments I got on my last post.^^~ That's the most I've ever gotten, as far as I can remember. That made me happy.
Anyway, I hope my friends are having a good Monday..mine has been alright. Oh but I did get a set of PrismaColor art, I can draw now.*dances*
Alright since I have nothing else to talk about, I'm going to post part of the 2nd Hellsing OVA.(Which is not out in the states yet, I just found this clip on YouTube.) But it does have subtitles, so you can understand what they're saying. I just thought I'd post it because alot of you've said you've never seen Hellsing. But! Here is you're chance to watch clip of it if you're bored.
*Ahem* It is bloody. Just thought I'd warn you although I'm sure you know that by now.^^;
I can't wait until it comes out in English! I love hearing the character's accents, since most of them are British.^^~ And squee, isn't Seras the coolest with her gigantic gun?
I didn't really mean to take a break, I've just been stressed with school lately. I'm alright now, though. But thank you all for your nice comments on my last post. ^_^ It's appreciated.
As you can see, I changed my much for the light colors. Now it's back into the abyss. xD But it really fits Hellsing more, and plus I'm one to like the darker side of things. Disturbing? Maybe. But who cares.
And since I changed my site around, I changed the music. What do you think? It's my favorite bands, and I tried to pick songs that would match this theme. Like 'Nobody's Home' reminds me of Seras, and 'It's been Awhile' reminds me of Pip and Seras.
Yes I think about these things, I can't help it. Guess that's why I'm an Otaku.^^; Heh.
And yes I'm still drawing..barely though, I'm in a bad artists block. I'm trying to get this Kurama(I love Yu Yu Hakusho) picture finished..but my black ink pen died. *mourns* So it stays unfinished till I can get to hobby lobby. This saddens me.V_V
Anyways, I'm going to go be quiet now. I'll be sure to get to your sites.
.:Damn the internal sickness:.
thanks for the 18 comments on my last post. *hugs* All the kind comments made me feel alittle better. And I can actually eat today..when I was real sick the thought of food disgusted me. It's nice to have my appetite back.
But one thing that I'm not looking forward to is the makeup work, yet again. I miss alot of school because of family issues and such. But do the teachers understand that? No, they don't. And I'm working in a group for a project (unfortunately), and I'm sure they're not going to be happy that I missed work.
I know everyone goes through this, but it's just a pain sometimes. School I mean, I know I need an education and that's not the part that bothers me. It just doesn't seem worth it to put up with the people. To hear the smartass comments my ex says when I walk by, or just..feh. It's lonely to be an ookami and lost in a sea of humans. To be around people that don't understand themselves let alone each other. So of course I get horribly misunderstood, but it's always been that way. This makes me horribly cynical. And bitter, and all I want to do is be alone. But, baring my teeth at the world will get me nowhere. Revenge would be nice, but it isn't the answer. But I wish it was sometimes.
Yeah, I'm being negative, I am sorry. I'm glad to be feeling better but not happy for the fact that I have to go back to that tomorrow. I'll get over it.
And I didn't forget about the requests, they're coming along, slowly.^^;
Thanks for reading.
what's up everyone? I'm not feeling so well, so this will be a short post. I was sick to my stomach all night, and I feel bad cause my friend was over and I'm sure she didn't have much fun, since all I've done is sleep. T_T
So yeah, that's why I didn't get to any of your sites yesterday, and I probably won't today. It's annoying because I have so much stuff to do. *sigh*
Well thanks for reading.
what's up everyone? Glad it's finally Friday? I sure am, it's been a long week. Don't know what I'm going to do this weekend though, probably draw and go over to a friend's house. I'm slowly getting those requests done as well.
Anybody else want to trade or something? I'm having fun with this as it keeps me drawing and practicing. I will be a good artist in the end. As I've said before that is meh goal. ;p
Speaking of art, I've got some new pictures up that have been uploaded earlier in the week. One's a Wolf's Rain fanart. Yep.
Anyways, I'm off to visit sites.
glad to hear that you all liked my theme. And I didn't intend to change it for Valentine's just came out that way. xD Lol, Helling and Valentines Day..Hahaha.
Anyways, Valentines Day today. *yay* More like Single Awareness Day for some of us. I just don't like this holiday, mostly for the fact that it's just an excuse for stores to get you to buy stuff. It's all about the money, feh.
Besides, you don't need some stupid holiday to tell someone you love them right? Love is alot deeper than that.
And no, I'm not bitter, just cynical. ^_^
But chocolate is teh best. *munch* I got some of those chocolate cherries from my parents. These things taste so good. *dies*
Well I need to draw my requests tonight..I didn't yesterday because it was a blah day. I don't like blah days..but then again, who does?
But what I can say I do like, is these pictures. I love Pip/Seras. It's cute.x3 (And yes it's Hellsing) Comments (13) |
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
what's up everyone? Hope your Tuesday is going well for you. As for me, I stayed home from school today. Mostly because I didn't feel good this morning and I needed to help my mother with some things. But you know what that means, makeup work tomorrow. *yay*
Do you like the new look? It's still Hellsing of course, but I decided to have some color this time around. ;p My avatar isn't Seras for once either, it's Girlycard. Yep, Alucard as a chick.
And I posted a new AMV up in my profile. *Points up* Check it out if you have the time, it's cool. Abit bloody, but that's to be expected. And I know it doesn't seem like it, but Hellsing isn't just pointless violence. There is character development and meaning. The Hellsing manga and OVA's have much to do with WWII, Nazi's, and all that.
Well I'm off to draw more requests and visit sites. Oh, and semi-new artwork is up, I finally got that picture posted. xD
Thank you for reading.
thanks for the requests and such. ^_^ I'll get to work on them, but please be patient with some things. It may take a few days.
Anyways, I'm not in such a good mood today..I'm having problems with submitting this one picture. It took my mother forever to do me the favor of taking a picture of my drawing, because god knows that you can't drag her off MySpace.(I hate that site, I get so sick of hearing about it.) And I don't have a scanner, so I have to rely on her. I would take the picture myself, but I'm not supposed to touch the cameras.
I'm just..having problems today. But I will get the thing submitted. So please look out for it later today.
Did any of your parents not take something serious that was important to you? I hate it when they do that, it's like their telling me to wait..even though I asked her to do this for me about five days ago..and it only takes five frikken minutes to do..
And I'm sorry, I don't mean to be ranting, I just need to get it out of my system. I need to go doodle..or something.
I am fine though, really.^^ I think everyone has these days where their family members annoy the hell out of them.