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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

what's up everyone? Sorry I haven't posted for a few days, just haven't had anything interesting to say. I had a good time at my friend Abby-chan's house last weekend though. It was cool. ^_^

Anyways, still have nothing interesting going on. Got to watch a video on pregnancy in Sex Ed. last period. Yah, makes me not want to ever have kids when I'm older. The idea of becoming a nun is sounding better and better..(lol)

One thing bothers me, I do think that one of my friends is angry. Apparently she thinks that my other friends are replacing her with me, that I'm now their 'favorite'. That isn't fair, I mean, come on. Since when has there been favorites in friendship anyway? I hope she doesn't feel bad, I really do, but I'm not going to stop associating with my friends because she doesn't like it.

But other than that I'm fine..execpt for the fact that I can't draw. T_T My Indian Ink pens ran out. Hence the reason I've been doodleing in Paint. But new art should be posted soon.

Anyway, I've noticed some people doing this, posting questions, so I thought I'd try it. Just for fun though, don't answer if you don't want to.^^
What anime character do you remind yourself of, and what character do I remind you of?

Thanks for reading,
"je danserai mon chemin avec les loups"
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