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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Friday, January 26, 2007

thank you for your kindness in my last post. *hugs* I'm happy to know that you all understand. That's why I'm here on theO. ^_^

Anyways, I had a pretty good day today for the most part. Except for the fact that some idiot was spreading a stink bomb around school. It smelled like rotten eggs in some places.(lol) It's a real shock when your walking down the hallway.

Oh, I'll probably post a fan art today. So can you please look out for it? Just if you have the time. It's kind of odd though, I'll warn you. I'm poking fun at Seras and it's an inside joke with one of my friends.

Well I'm off to read, but I'll be sure to visit sites later.
Thank you for visiting.

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