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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Sunday, January 28, 2007

thank you all for your comments on my art. *hugs* I'll be sure to post more when I get the chance. I might take requests later if anyone is interested.

Something is bothering me a bit though. I'm not all that great with criticism..I don't get angry it just makes me feel bad. And my drawings really aren't that good.
But oh well, I'll work hard, so I can improve.^^ My art could look soo much better but it's not and it's discouraging. I'll get up there someday though.

Anyways, sorry about the late post, but things are hectic around my house right now. I'm in the process of moving, and I'll be in my new house tomorrow. So I may not have internet access for a few days.

Well have a good week my friends~
(Random pic I found. Kawaii ne?)
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