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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Friday, February 9, 2007

   .:Heartbreaks, artwork, rant time!:.
I noticed that I've gotten twenty one comments on my last post. I was surprised, but that's awesome to me, thank you. *hugs* Thanks for checking out my art as well.

I'm kinda pissed off today, turns out that my best friend's boyfriend broke up with her. She's a really sweet girl, and funny and everything..but he broke up with her for some stupid 8th grader. T_T And she really liked him too, so she's upset about it. I tell you, I saw her crying today, and seeing that made me want to start bawling too. I do that, if someone crys I feel like I'm gonna tear up. Doesn't mean I'm sad, I just feel for them you know?

Especially with heartbreak. I know how bad that stuff hurts, it's horrible. But everyone goes through it, and if you haven't already then you will in the future. But hey, you know you have the someone just for you when they've never broke you that way.

It still makes me mad, I want to tear that jerk to pieces for that. Hurting my friends is not something you want to do. But, it's none of my business so I'm staying out of it. I just really hope she feel better.

Speaking of ex-boyfriends..mine recently wrote my friend back. I don't give a shit about him really, the only thing that made me mad is that him and 'alot of other people' think I still have feelings for him. Now, I don't care what people think of me, but are they really that nosy as to try and figure this out? How are my feelings any of their damn business? No I don't like him but if I did it's still none of their concern. That jerk really needs to get over himself too.
And if one more person asks me if I've bi or lesbo I think I'm gonna scream. People do not understand me, one minute they think I'm gay and the next think I'm pathetically hung up over my ex boyfriend, who is male. What sense does this all make? Lunatics. xD

I swear..I'm really starting to hate guys ..highschool guys at least. They're so heartless and just idiotic. Now, there's a small percent of them who aren't, such and most of you Otaku guys reading this, but..
Ok, I'm going to end this rant, because I don't want to make this post longer than it really is.

My friend DarkStarInu's coming over tonight, so that I'm looking forward too. Can you say anime night? ^_^ And do you like the new music by the way? Within Temptation is the best.

Well, sorry about the long post, and I really am fine just in a ranting mood.^^

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