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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Monday, March 5, 2007

   .:It's Monday..yay?:.
what's up everyone? Thanks for the twenty one comments I got on my last post.^^~ That's the most I've ever gotten, as far as I can remember. That made me happy.

Anyway, I hope my friends are having a good Monday..mine has been alright. Oh but I did get a set of PrismaColor art pens..so, I can draw now.*dances*

Alright since I have nothing else to talk about, I'm going to post part of the 2nd Hellsing OVA.(Which is not out in the states yet, I just found this clip on YouTube.) But it does have subtitles, so you can understand what they're saying. I just thought I'd post it because alot of you've said you've never seen Hellsing. But! Here is you're chance to watch clip of it if you're bored.

*Ahem* It is bloody. Just thought I'd warn you although I'm sure you know that by now.^^;

I can't wait until it comes out in English! I love hearing the character's accents, since most of them are British.^^~ And squee, isn't Seras the coolest with her gigantic gun?


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