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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Sunday, March 18, 2007

   .:Art and me making an idiot out of myself:.
what's up everyone? Nothing much here, I'm just enjoying the peace before I have to go to school tomorrow.

Well, new art is up.(Really, it is this time.^^;) If anyone's interested.

I've had a nice weekend so far..on Friday I went(or we went, DarkStarInu came with me) to a bar to see my dad's band play. It's just a mellow rock band but I like how they sound. ^_^

Ok ok, but there was this *ahem* cute young drummer(he was too old for the both of us though, he was like, twenty something.) And I wasn't actually paying any attention until DarkStar said that he looked like Pip.(Because he had a cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth like the mercenary always does.) So naturally I have a heart attack and accidentally spill my water all over the table. XD Lol.

But no, we did have a good time. Oh, something did make me alittle sad, there was this guy at the bar(he was pretty tipsy, though.) And my mom informed me that his wife drowned a few weeks ago. And I went to their wedding! Granted, I didn't even know them really, my dad's band just played for them and I went along.

But I remember her dragging me up to dance cause she was sloshed. She was nice anyhow. It's weird to run into someone and then they pass away y'know? But it's sad. No wonder the guy was throwing em back. I feel bad for him.

Anyway, like I said art is up, and I'm going to visit sites and finished watching Yu Yu Hakusho.

(That song I had last post, it's called Ocean Breathes Salty and the song is up in my playlist if anyone wants to hear it)

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