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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Monday, April 2, 2007

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Time of Post: 9:30
Quote: "You try to sound like you think through things, when in fact you're not thinking at all." -Kurama

what's up everyone? Glad to hear that you all liked this theme. I do too, so I think I'll keep it.

Anyways, I did end up going over to my friend's house the other day. I had a good time, we got to act crazy, as usual. But she made me dance. No really, she did, which is surprising considering I rarely do.

And yesterday we were washing her parents car and playing CD's. Amy being Amy, climbed up on top of the van and danced. Wasn't a smart idea since the whole thing was wet, she was lucky she didn't slip. And me, being oh so helpful, sprayed her with the hose. Oh, and it was raining outside too. Don't ask why we had to wash the car in the rain. XD

But now, I'm back at home, and I've got a new sketchbook, so I'll probably be drawing. And speaking of art, I have a new picture up if anyone wants to take a look.

Well I hope things are going well for all of you, and thanks for stopping by. ^_^

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