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myOtaku.com: DarkWolves Faith

Friday, July 20, 2007

Anime bashing and it's stupidity

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Thanks for the warm welcome back everyone! It's appreciated. =3

I'm kind of pissed off though. Not real bad, just a tiny bit. I can across an anti-anime site the other day..and I can't believe the things they say about us. XD It really doesn't matter, because it's ridiculous and kind of pathetic. But it's also very irritating.

I think it's more directed at the rabid fangirls. You know, the really really bad ones.

Some people say that anime fans are perverted nerds that don't have a life, and never bathe. Okay, I've heard about those fat stinky guys that cosplay as Sailor Moon, but I've never actually seen it. Have you? And I'm a huge anime fan, but I bathe daily, and I'm not butt ugly.

I'm not a pervert either, hentai scares me.

Not all anime is full of sex. And they complain about big boobs in some series. Yeah, it is overkill, but not every female is like that. The only person in my fandom who has them, er, rather big is Seras. But you don't see her walking around naked, so it's really not a big deal.^^'

Then they said that it's stupid when they try and make things in anime realistic. Such as guns. Well excuse the creators for wanting their art to look good. =/

Oh, and they bitch because we call ourselves Otaku, when it's actually a bad insult in Japan. It is. But here in the States, it just means 'anime fan' correct? So what's the deal?

There are such things as good art, good cosplay, and great characters and plot. We aren't stupid.

People are narrow minded sometimes. That's fine if you're not into it, but you don't have bash it and make yourself look like an arse.

What are your thoughts on this?

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